In the face!

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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

Well as an official senior officer, and the fact I've been here longer than both of you, aswell as been in far more departments than you, including security I am telling you to get over it already. Whiskers has done nothing wrong except for expressing an opinion and telling you not to be so arrogant.
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Re: In the face!

Post by Costello »

This forum is meant to get heated, but rank my 'e-cock is bigger than yours' battles are stupid.
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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

Yeah I'm so hot right now, I'm on fire :lol:
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Re: In the face!

Post by Whiskers »

Thank you Ciaran.
Bishop wrote:
Ciaran wrote:When I said "here" I meant on the forums. And just something I noticed just now. You told Commander Whiskers not to lecture a senior officer in public. You are not a Senior Officer. Seniors are Captain and above. Last time I checked, you are 1 step below and the same rank as Whiskers
I know what you meant sir... if you read what I wrote carefully you'll se it says '(a to you) Senior Officer' and with that I meant that I've been a Commander longer then he has and so I claim seniority over him
Kindly stop referring to everyone as sir.

"BTW Commander, if you belive I have abused my rank then you should report it, you should not be lecturing (a to you) Senior Officer in public.... since you have made the accusation I expect either a hearing or an apology, totally up to you commander."

You effectively ordered Ensign McManus to obey you, in a neutral forum designed to be an area for political discussion and debates. In my eyes, this is abuse of rank. Unless there was a valid reason as to why McManus was not to post what he has? Does it break UFP rules, or go against legislation? Does it break the Chain of Command? Not as far as I can see. And also, I will repeat. The Chain of Command is effectively eradicated in this forum. It serves no purpose as anyone and everyone is equal. Expecting a hearing from someone calmly pointing out your abuse of rank in this forum of all forums, is... odd. I will not apologise as I have seen myself doing nothing wrong. If I have in some way upset you, then I will apologize. If I tarnished your ego however, I will not.
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Ciaran wrote:Well as an official senior officer, and the fact I've been here longer than both of you, aswell as been in far more departments than you, including security I am telling you to get over it already. Whiskers has done nothing wrong except for expressing an opinion and telling you not to be so arrogant.
and accusing me of abusing my rank

and just a side note... his oppinion was on my oppinion and telling someone to not be arrogant is disrespectful in my oppinion

btw sir... what you are doing now, stating your rights that come with your rank... that's how this started, only I was the superior officer

but I have made my case and expressed my oppinion and so I'll let it rest

Good Night to you Sir
Captain Bishop
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Costello wrote:This forum is meant to get heated, but rank my 'e-cock is bigger than yours' battles are stupid.
True enough sir... and as stated I'll let it rest

btw... nice phrasing :D
Captain Bishop
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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

I was joking about my rank but what I said after it was true: get over yourself.
Also use the god damn edit button instead of double posting. Christ you're in security so you should be well aware of its existance
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Ciaran wrote:I was joking about my rank but what I said after it was true: get over yourself.
Also use the god damn edit button instead of double posting. Christ you're in security so you should be well aware of its existance
I am well aware of the edit button.... I like double posting, partly because you get so frustrated :D and partly.... no that's it :P
Captain Bishop
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Re: In the face!

Post by Ciaran »

You're just jealous because my post count is higher than yours will ever be 8-)
Lieutenant Commander (Ret.)
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Re: In the face!

Post by Bishop »

Ciaran wrote:You're just jealous because my post count is higher than yours will ever be 8-)
True enough sir... true enough :D
Captain Bishop
Security Officer

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