Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

This forum will be used for communication by and with Fleets who hold a Non-Aggression Pact (NAP) status or lower and for discussing matters of diplomatic significance. Only diplomats from other Fleets and UFP Admirality are permitted to post.

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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ciaran »

Welcome to our forums Ambassador. I am Ciaran, the head of Diplomatic Affairs for UFP. Preparations for a NAP are already underway
Ruslan Lee
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ruslan Lee »

Keysailor wrote:
Ruslan Lee wrote:Welcome to our forum :).
Greetings Commodore Lee, thank you for your kinds words at your Embassy in the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. It is good to find friends in the quadrant.

As VKF Provisional Ambassador, I would like to begin arranging a NAP between the UFP and the VKR. I will read through your extensive diplomatic section and work with you to set it up. I am confident that our respective organizations will mutually benefit from a positive relationship up and through STO Launch.

As always, you are welcome at your embassy in the VKF. To a long and cordial relationship, Live Long and Prosper!
Your welcome and its good to see you on our forum 8-) .
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Keysailor »

Ruslan Lee wrote:
Keysailor wrote:
Ruslan Lee wrote:Welcome to our forum :).
Greetings Commodore Lee, thank you for your kinds words at your Embassy in the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. It is good to find friends in the quadrant.

As VKF Provisional Ambassador, I would like to begin arranging a NAP between the UFP and the VKR. I will read through your extensive diplomatic section and work with you to set it up. I am confident that our respective organizations will mutually benefit from a positive relationship up and through STO Launch.

As always, you are welcome at your embassy in the VKF. To a long and cordial relationship, Live Long and Prosper!
Your welcome and its good to see you on our forum 8-) .
Greetings Commodore, I respectfully submit our NAP as per your PM on the [VKF] forum, PM'd to you here. The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet welcomes the United Federation of Planets as a partner in preserving security and peace throughout the quadrant. It is hoped that our Fleets can continue to grow our relationship and provide kinship and support to each respective Fleet as needs and abilities dictate. If I can be of service to you in any way, please don't hesitate to contact me. My duties as Provisional Ambassador may be temporary, but my permanent duty station as Fleet Chief Science Officer logically requires that I honor all agreements, pacts, and alliances approved by my Fleet High Command and the Vulcan High Council. I will endeavor to work towards our mutual goals and objectives, as they mature in the fullness of time. Live Long and Prosper!
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Khart-lan Keysailor, Ang'jmizn, U.S.S. Corona, NCC-85527E
Fleet Executive Officer
The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet
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Ruslan Lee
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ruslan Lee »

Yes i received your PM Mr.Keysailor :), and i am happy to have NAP with your fleet 8-) .
So Live Long and Prosper!
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Keysailor »

Ruslan Lee wrote:Yes i received your PM Mr.Keysailor :), and i am happy to have NAP with your fleet 8-) .
So Live Long and Prosper!
Thank you Commodore, I too am pleased that we have established this first step in our growing alliance. Here is a copy of the NAP for our Embassy records here.

Non-Aggression Pact (NAP):

Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet agrees to the United Federation of Planets ([UFP]) and the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet ([VKF]) Non-Aggression Pact. We agree to be bonded by this treaty and to show the utmost dignity and respect in the presence of members of both clans.

1.General Conduct: The Fleets in this agreement agree not to engage in any hostile acts against either fleet. Hostile acts include but are not limited to: Invading servers with the intent to be hostile or causing disruption in a game server, flaming on forums or in chat rooms. Fleet Members/Officers in a server either wearing [VKF] tags or [UFP] tags shall not fire upon a member from the opposite Fleet unless challenged to a friendly duel/team duel or other friendly session. Members of either Fleet who violate this article shall be reported to his/her Fleet and dealt with appropriately as stated in section 3.

2.Military Assistance/Intelligence sharing: The term Military Assistance is defined as one Fleet committing its members and/or resources to assist in defensive or offensive action against another Fleet or organization. Both [VKF] and [UFP] recognize that they are under no obligation to offer or provide military assistance to each other under this treaty. The term Intelligence Sharing is defined as one Fleet sharing or providing access to information about other Fleets or organizations. [VKF] and [UFP] recognize that they are under no obligation to provide or share intelligence. All requests for assistance must be decided upon by the Government of the requested Fleet.

3.Violation of Treaty: If this treaty is violated by either Fleet this agreement will no longer be valid and the offending Fleet will be treated as hostile the violated Fleet may or may not then declare war on the offending Fleet. Violations include but are not limited to: invading a server occupied by the Fleet in this NAP or an allies' server, flaming or demeaning posts on forums, aligning with the enemies of one of the Fleets in this agreement. In the event that an officer from either Fleet breaks the agreement without being ordered to do so, he/she we will be disciplined by their respective Fleet's judiciary process and information will be provided to both Fleets.

4.Termination of Treaty: The treaty may be terminated by either side, a notice must be made on one of the Fleets forum of treaty cancellation.

5.Validity of treaty: The leaders of the Fleet and Head of diplomacy or a diplomacy officer must sign this agreement before it is valid.

The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet signatures:
Fleet Admiral Sybok Kuhr, October 30th, 2009 (RL Date)
Ambassador Keysailor (K'Salor) October 30th, 2009 (RL Date)

United Federationof Planets [UFP] signatures:
[UFP]Ciaran"]Commodore Ciaran - Diplomacy CO, October 30th, 2009,
[UFP]RuslanLee]Commodore Ruslan Lee - [UFP] Liaison, October 30th, 2009
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Khart-lan Keysailor, Ang'jmizn, U.S.S. Corona, NCC-85527E
Fleet Executive Officer
The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by [VKF]Kikki »

Greetings Commodore,

I would like to introduce myself to you and your fleet as Ambassador Kikki, I will be taking over from Keysailor's position as he has decided to take a different career path within our fleet. I am pleased that a NAP treaty was managed to be agreed upon and I hope we can uphold this treaty and in time, I hope that we can build upon this alliance between our two fleets and strengthen our alliances with further treaties.

I will check by your forum regularly for any updates from yourself that may have been posted up. I would also like to inform you that I intend to propose further treaties in the short future and I hope you will consider them when proposed. In the mean time, feel free to get in touch with me via our forums: if you need to discuss anything of importance, you will find an email address in my profile, or you can simply PM or post within your embassy.

Live Long and Prosper

Ambassador Kikki
Ruslan Lee
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ruslan Lee »

Understood, and welcome to our forums Ambassador, it is good to see you 8-) .
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ciaran »

Welcome to our forums Ambassador, thank you for the update and we look forward to working with you
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Vishion »

Dear UFP Fleet,

I regret to announce that Ambassador Kikki has stepped down from the fleet, and his title as Ambassador. As a result of this action, we we're left without Ambassador.

As a result, I offered my services to hold the Temporary Office of Ambassador. So once again the contacts between our Fleets change, but I hope that our bonds are unchanged. I hope we may establish even stronger ties as Allies, and Friends.

I will check this forum regularly for further announcements to us. And I wish to welcome you, to our new forum VKF Forum, We have already made an Embassy for you, as a Gift to you. We only need to get the Ambassadors settled in.

I hope we may speak again soon.

Live Long and Prosper


Ambassador Vishion
Ambassador Vishion - Tra-lan of The VKF
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ciaran »

That is sad news indeed.
I have registered on your new forums and look forward to seeing our friendship develop even more. I have updated our records with your new forum link
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