Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

This forum will be used for communication by and with Fleets who hold a Non-Aggression Pact (NAP) status or lower and for discussing matters of diplomatic significance. Only diplomats from other Fleets and UFP Admirality are permitted to post.

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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Alexraptor »

Vishion wrote:Dear UFP,

I have some terrible news, one of our Fleet Members has recently passed away (In Real Life).

"The brother of our fallen comrade has requested the Fleet observe a moment of silence during his funeral. The actual time is 8am Australian EST (GMT+10), so for us it will be February 25th, at 12 noon in Alaska, 4pm in US EST, 9pm in Iceland and the UK, 10pm in Belgium. If you are in-game, please arrange to be at rest (not in battle). Keysailor will be at Sol Starbase in the hall in front of Admiral Quinn's Office, and will stand at salute while honors are being rendered - you are welcome to join."

Please feel free to join us, I think he would like that and so would we. You may always contact us regarding this or other issues.

Honorable Greetings,

Ambassador Vishion
I am truly sorry to hear this.
And as such i echo the sentiments expressed by T'Pau of Vulcan: I grieve with thee.
I shall attempt to be there tomorrow.
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ciaran »

Sorry to hear this. I am sure some of our members can be present at the specified time
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Kevak »

I am truly sorry to hear of such bad news, I shall try to be there, thats about 4pm CST right? (-6 GMT)
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Keysailor »

Greetings to the United Federation of Planets from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet. My regards to your Fleet Admiral, the Council of Admirals, UFP Diplomats, and Vice Admiral Ruslan Lee.

I regret that both official duties and RL have prevented me from visiting sooner. Our Fleet has been growing, and my duties have as well. The VKF is participating in the United Council of Fleets, and I am the VKF representative.

I will endeavor to return here as often as possible to further cement and deepen the already cordial relationship between our two Fleets.


p.s., I have updated my profile, but am unable to insert my signature picture, are there any restrictions to sizes of image/file? I compared both with a sig pic from a UFP member, and mine is no larger. Perhaps there are limitations for diplomats? Please advise.
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Khart-lan Keysailor, Ang'jmizn, U.S.S. Corona, NCC-85527E
Fleet Executive Officer
The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet
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Ruslan Lee
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ruslan Lee »

Greetings Mr.Keysailor, it is good to see you 8-) . It is good to hear what VKF is doing great.
P.S., no there are no limits, especially for signature pictures, perhaps it is some kind of bug.
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ciaran »

Welcome Ambassador
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Keysailor »

Greetings! I just warped over to note that Rear Admiral Church (your head of the STO Division) dropped by the VKF and posted in our Visitor Center. Seeing him on your roster here, I have granted him diplomatic status and access to your Embassy at - direct reference to your Embassy is ... of-Planets

We like to extend the hand of friendship to all our allies, but recognize that your Embassy at VKF is your sovereign soil. And so I wanted to confirm that you approve Admiral Church's access to your Embassy. I will check back in a day or so.

Please advise if you wish me to make any change to the above, either here, at the VKF, or ingame to Keysailor@Keysailor - any method is fine, all haling frequencies are open.

Admiral Church mentioned the desire for some collaborative gameplay in STO. We think that would be just fine, either impromptu or scheduled. I will reply to him directly, but wanted to make sure all our left hands were in contact with our right hands - his note sounded like he was not fully up to speed on the status of the relationship between our two Fleets.

Live Long and Prosper!
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Khart-lan Keysailor, Ang'jmizn, U.S.S. Corona, NCC-85527E
Fleet Executive Officer
The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by Ciaran »

I approve the embassy access, Ambassador Keysailor. Thanks for stopping by 8-)
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Re: Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet

Post by vkfambassador »

I am Urie I have just assumed the roll of Fevet-Dutar (chied Ambassador) of the Vulcan Kolinahr fleet

We also have a new in gmae chat channel VKFAF

We also have created a forum where all fleets can register to contact other fleets e.g( arrange Joint fleet actions)

Someone from the fleet will have to register and place a post to register there fleet in the "New Fleets Request Registration Here" with the following information

Fleet Name
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Ambassador
Fleet Abreveation(e.g [VKF]),
all registered members of your fleet on this forum will have this prefix e.g [VKF]Urie symbols i am from the VKF fleet

There website/forum URL

Every fleet will get,
A public embasy
A private embasy only they can view/access

Thanks Urie (Admin)
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