Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

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Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Picard »

Greetings my dear friends.

It has been a long journey and like so many people have said before me it is now time. All good things must come to an end. I have spent years building this fleet, and I had spent years before building the founding fleet of UFP that became the core of this UFP. For those new here I am speaking about [FC]Federation Command which existed from 2003 to the end of 2005 and became UFP after a merger with [FEDS]Federation which was then Admiral Jesse's fleet. I had the privilege to command this fleet during it's best times. Those of you with enough years of service might recall the golden age of this fleet, when we used to dominate the Star Trek community with our skills and activity as well as with our brilliant and highly motivated officers. I have been blessed during my two tenures as Fleet Admiral. 2005-2006 and 2007-2010 with it I dare say the best officers a Fleet CO could have possibly had. Your professionalism, motivation and skills have been nothing short of outstanding.

Overall I have spent a little bit more than 9 years enjoying and serving the Star Trek community. I first joined the Star Trek Community in 2001 recruited by a really good guy (Greed) that after many years of absence from the community has returned and is once in a while posting on these forums. The first fleet I have been in that gave me the passion for clanning is [SF]Starfleet although I did not stay very long I made friends for (I hope) life. People like Jesse, TParis, Greed and Trunks(Heero Guy) whom I all served with back then in Starfleet. The games we supported back then were, Starfleet Command 2, Armada 1 and 2 and Elite Force 1. That was it. But playing those games gave me more fun than playing anything else since and the fact that I still play those games is part of the reason why it is time for me to go.

I went on to create [FR]Federation Republic, a fleet that last time I check still exists but plays Non-Trek games. But then the real deal happened. [FC]Federation Command, my first true love that as a Fleet Admiral. FC was during a time immensely successful in SFC3 and Elite Force. It was truly the first "superpower" I had the pleasure to build and lead, with of course the help of the countless members that served her. Among the best of them, Viper, Dark-Sean, Alexraptor, Trunks, Maniac to name only a few.

And then [UFP]. The United Federation of Planets. The best experience, the best people, the best players I have ever served with in my whole 9 years. I cannot begin to find the words to thank you all for having faith in this fleet, in this group of people and into me. I leave a legacy behind, I hope one of good times and I truly hope that I have succeed in the goal to give you all the opportunity to have as much fun gaming as I had in my prime.

My retirement from the Fleet Admiral position at this time can be explained by one thing. I stayed in the seat for so long because I wanted to make sure that all the hard work the many generations of UFP officers had done would not be in vain. I wanted UFP to make it to STO. Now that our future is secured I feel I must now pass the torch to the new generation.

After announcing my retirement to the Council earlier today, we all elected a new Fleet Admiral. It must have been the fastest Council vote in a long while so I am extremely happy to announce that the new Fleet Admiral of the United Federation of Planets, your new leader, is Fleet Admiral Exeter.

Exeter is an outstanding officer, with impeccable judgment and a immense sense of patriotisim and pride for UFP. UFP is the only fleet that he has been in and he has served this fleet in an exemplary fashion for the past 4 years. He truly deserves it, his time has come and I am sure he'll do great.

I know you are all very tired of reading so I'll end it here, but before I would just like to say one more thing.

Jesse, TParis - you guys have been amazing. Can you believe that we've known each other for 9 years. It goes by so fast. And you guys have grown from being online friends to being real friends and you are both very important to me. Whatever happens I hope we will keep in touch and I remain confident that we'll meet in person someday.

Dark-Sean, Viper, Alexraptor, Alexander a special thank you, we guys go back a long time, I remember when we were all in FC. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and loyalty for all these years. Sincerely, I could had never done it without you.

Greed, a special note for you. I hope that you read this. You are the one who made it happened, who introduced me to this community back in 2001. You took me under your wing and you have been a great buddy ever since. I don't know if you remember I hardly spoke English back then. I know you've been through some really hard stuff. But me Jesse and TParis love you man and we hope to see more of you.

I know, I know, I know, I am forgetting so many, countless people whom have helped and gave me so much, I will contact you individually. But please keep in mind that I am not going to suddenly be inactive, I will keep playing once in a while. STO is not my thing but I will stay around. I know that we'll have some more good times! Once more I apologize for the long post.

Thank you, I am extremely tired at this time, I will post again and thank more people tomorrow.

Ah yes, a small note for Rear Admiral Costello who needed some love. Costello you do not need any self-esteem boost so I'm just going to tell you that you're awesome and very much have the potential to one day take command of this fleet and take it to a level of never-seen greatness. Yes, I am talking about 18th century British greatness.

Congrats Exeter and Thank you EVERYBODY. By the way i have not proof read myself. This post must be completely full of mistakes and things that makes no sense. Need sleep.
Last edited by Picard on Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Proofread
Ret. Fleet Admiral Picard
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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Kevak »

Wow, well...Picard, its been a great honor and privlage to have served by you all these years. I will truly miss seeing you up there in the top spot, its going to be weird after all these years of (at least while I was around) you in charge and now we have another more than capable leader, Exeter. Take care old friend, don't be a stranger, ya hear!?!? :)

Live long and Prosper. \\_//
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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by magnis »

wow,what a passing of the torch but fair skies picard. an honor to have had you as our fleet admiral, another captain takes the chair.
Heero Yuy
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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Heero Yuy »

Man I never thought I see this day. Finally get my internet back and Picard is steping down as Fleet Admiral. Well I know what its like to step down I done it many times and I will still catch u in a game so its not like your leaving

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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Exeter »

UFP Attention!

We satnd at attention to honor one of the finest officers to ever server The United Federation of Plaents.

UFP Salutes you Fleet Admiral Picard.

// signed //
Admiral Exeter
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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Alexraptor »

I really do not know what to say Fleet Admiral Picard.
Its been a blast the past 5 years of UFP and weve been through both good times and bad times.
All i can really think of saying is...

Its been a great honor serving with you Fleet Admiral Picard.

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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Costello »

[UFP]Picard wrote: Ah yes, a small note for Rear Admiral Costello who needed some love. Costello you do not need any self-esteem boost so I'm just going to tell you that you're awesome and very much have the potential to one day take command of this fleet and take it to a level of never-seen greatness. Yes, I am talking about 18th century British greatness.
Long live the Empire!

An honour Admiral, an honour. You've led this fleet with unabating passion and commitment, few will forget your endearing leadership as the baton is passed to Fleet Admiral Exeter.

May your lighter shoulders allow you to enjoy the finer things in life more often. ;)
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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Hartley »

It's a shame to see you leave Picard, you will be missed, Live Long and Prosper.

*Vulcan salute*
Ruslan Lee
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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Ruslan Lee »

It was a honour to serve with you Fleet Admiral Picard * salute *
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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Post by Ciaran »

Your command and dedication to this fleet have been nothing short of amazing. You have lead UFP through times of extreme activity and many other events which are mere bumps along the road in the past. It's been an honour and like what's already been said, don't be a stranger :P
Exeter, congratulations on your ascension to the position of Fleet Admiral and to the mighty throne. You are more than capable of leading this fleet and I wish you well. LONG LIVE UFP!

Last edited by Ciaran on Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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