Tribble alert upcoming Heal changes to hull and shield

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Ensign (Ret.)
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Tribble alert upcoming Heal changes to hull and shield

Post by JIN »

Cryptic Studios Team

Greetings all,

In working towards providing healers a bit more options, I've worked to bring some of the other bridge officer abilities up to speed and give each a more defined role in their use. The following represents the healing sets and where each ability excels.

These updates should be on Tribble tomorrow morning. I'll also update the abilities thread with the latest category and duration/global/recharge values.


Hull Healing/Resistance:

Emergency Power to Auxiliary – No longer part of the healing set. Auxiliary will receive a different innate benefit

Auxiliary to SIF – Main instant hull heal. It now targets both self and ally, providing a small instant hull heal and medium damage resistance buff over duration. Performance tied to Auxiliary Power setting.

Engineering Team – Reserve instant hull heal. It provides a medium instant hull heal (value restored to original holodeck magnitude), engineering skill buff, and cleanses engineering debuffs over duration. No longer provides damage resistance. Works well in tandem with Auxiliary to SIF, as Auxiliary to SIF can be used frequently to restore hull health and maintain damage resistance while Engineering Team kept in reserve to provide larger instant heal or remove debuff.

Hazard Emitters – Main hull heal over time (HoT). It provides a large hull heal over time (value larger than current tribble build), small damage resistance buff over duration, and cleanses hazard debuffs over duration. Auxiliary Power now affects the performance of this ability.

Miracle Worker – Engineering captain super recovery. It provides a large instant hull heal, large instant shield heal, and repairs damaged subsystems. (value unchanged from current tribble build).

Polarize Hull – Damage Resistance self buff. It provides a large damage resistance buff (improved from tribble to be against all damage, magnitude improved to cover new tie to Auxiliary). Performance tied to Auxiliary Power setting.

Auxiliary to Inertial Dampeners – Kinetic Damage Resistance, Movement Buff, Repel and Knockback Immunity. It provides a large kinetic damage resistance buff, a speed and turn rate buff, as well as immunity to repel and knockback effects. Performance tied to Auxiliary Power setting. (This power significantly improved from tribble build in functionality, a small magnitude improvement to cover new tie to Auxiliary).

Shield Healing/Resistance:

Emergency Power to Shields – Main instant self shield heal. Provides a small instant shield heal and medium shield damage resistance buff over duration. (a bit lower than current Tribble version, but returned a significant shield damage resistance back to the ability)

Science Team – Reserve instant shield heal. It provides a medium instant shield heal (value restored to original holodeck magnitude), science skill buff, and cleanses science debuffs over duration. No longer provides shield damage resistance. Works well in tandem with either Emergency Power to Shields or Transfer Shield Strength to keep Science Team in reserve to provide larger instant shield heal or remove debuff.

Transfer Shield Strength – Main shield heal heal over time (small instant + HoT). Provides a small instant shield heal followed by a large shield heal over time. It also provides a small shield damage resistance buff over duration. Auxiliary Power affects the performance of this ability. (magnitude improved from Tribble version)

Miracle Worker – Engineering captain super recovery. It provides a large instant hull heal, large instant shield heal, and repairs damaged subsystems. (value unchanged from current tribble build).

Extend Shields – Main ally shield damage resistance. Provides a large shield damage resistance buff, along with a small shield heal over time. Shield Power affects the performance of this ability. (HoT magnitude improved from Tribble version)

Rotate Shield Frequency – Engineering captain main shield damage resistance. Provides a large shield damage resistance buff, along with a small shield heal over time. Shield Power affects the performance of this ability. (HoT magnitude improved from Tribble version)

Reverse Shield Polarity - Significant shield heal. Provides an amount of healing in relation to how much energy damage is being applied to the user over duration. (magnitude unchanged from Tribble)
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Re: Tribble alert upcoming Heal changes to hull and shield

Post by Alexraptor »

Mate..... this is old news, its been like this since 1.2 wen't live weeks ago. :|
Ensign (Ret.)
Ensign (Ret.)
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Re: Tribble alert upcoming Heal changes to hull and shield

Post by JIN »

lol i forgot aha... well others that dosent know lol
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