Sisko BR 121 BC (galactic war 2)

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Sisko BR 121 BC (galactic war 2)

Post by Sisko »

[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Combat Date:12/18.07
Platform:Star Trek BC
Mod Type:KM 1.0
Combat Report:# 121
System:DD Space
Match Variant:Online Fleet Engagements
Allied Fleet[UFP]Sisko:Federation Sovereign Class,Rhode Island Class,Excalibur Class / [UFP]Officers
Enemy Fleet:DD & SAW SCUM
Points Allotted:N/A
Military Log:

all the citizens of the United Federation of Planets rejoiced from every corner of the alpha quadrant once news of starfleet`s victory over the [DFP] had spread.the cheers grew louder upon the unconditional surrender and standing down of all DFP forces in the region.the celebrations were cut short however,as news of yet another tyrannical evil spreading its poison across the reaches of the known universe came right on the heels of victory.

Several federation starships were the victims of an unprevoked attack by ships belonging to "the brotherhood"...a maniacal race of sub humans bent on conquest and domination.the brotherhood percieved the UFP and its allies to be the single galactic power that would stand in its delusional quest for power.As such,they attempted a pearl harbor`esq attack on UFP....and then to only realise as japan did back then....that they had awakened a sleeping giant.

Admiral Picard quickly mobilised the federation fleet for an imediate counter attack deep inside DD territory.In numerous and VERY widespread engagements all across the quadrant,UFP starships met and defeated the enemy,forcing several retreats by DD forces.The enemy fleet would fight and then their ranks would break at the very hint that defeat and the hands of Picard and his bold legions was at hand.Led by Starfleet Marine CO ArtfulMerkage and LT.Worf...the federation fleet tasked the DD minions to the fullest capacity.LT,Data JR,commander Spock,ensign Magnis,Admiral Evoxsence,Ensign Arrow,LT Sisko,and various allied fleets joined forces and held off the brotherhood at EVERY turn.the foul enemy tried every dirty trick in the book to achieve victory....but to NO avail.Godships,lag strategies,cloak hopping,hit and name it,they did it....and were met with destruction in each engagement.

I call on EVERY member of UFP to get out there and get into the fight!!









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Dave J. Harper
Posts: 760
Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:48 am

Post by Dave J. Harper »

SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!(battlestar galactica Razzor)
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