2 Big Battles! And guess which side WON!? - 96 BR -BC -DD

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2 Big Battles! And guess which side WON!? - 96 BR -BC -DD

Post by EVOXSNES »

Game: BC
Version: KM1.0
Time: ??????

In this game we all held Dam well and managed to drive off DD from the server!
We all hit them hard and they felt it really deep, I was busy myself constantly switching targets as soon as 1 was destroyed id fire on the ship that my team mates where firing on and it would continue like that and my fingers where starting to cramp up (happens when I get into the game a lot.. only really felt it in BF2142 and that says ALOT) but I kept pressing on knowing that as much as I was counting on my team they where counting on my ship and its fire, one big harmonious ballet of pure good men fighting the good fight now nothing beats that. One by one as DD fell and Artful was buzzen around goin off tap the fight came to a close with DD’s retreat!

A Glorious Victory for [UFP] and the Alliance!

Scores below.


Game: BC
Version: KM1.0
Time: ??????

This one was a battle against the odds 6 to 2 at one stage and then 6 to 3 as I managed to join when a free slot opened up, under the circumstances all who where involved performed well it was a testy battle ships flying around everywhere, I actually got hit with stray torpedoes at one time or another there was that much fire flying around.
I managed to get a few kills in by sticking with my targets nice and close I kept on them and tried to keep a close distance so my phasers would do more damage and when torps charged I could deal a good blow not to mention its harder for people to loose you or hit you in certain places since your so close (Starboard, Port, Dorsal,Ventral)

Id like to take this opportunity to commend Invincible for his leadership and quick thinking in this battle, since it 1st started Invincible was on the job to direct his officers and coordinate the attacks. Well Done on the Battlefield Invincible!

Some Notes:

DD Posted on their forums that they had a complete victory over UFP’s forces in this battle….
What they didn’t mention is the constant Self Destructing, and Spawing in Excalibur’s and in general they suck anyway, Id like to draw your attention to the screenshot below as this tells a story of an outnumbered [UFP] standing tall and kicking DD a$$ and making significant ground where DD’s dishonorable and disgusting acts only held them back, As soon as I joined I noticed that we where on a good score and rising! DD’s casualties where high and UFP’s where low, DD’s kills may have been a little bit higher but then again there deaths where VERY HIGH, Consider how many times they self destructed and add that to UFP’s kills and that would be the true amount of kills for UFP.

They fact that everytime we where about to kill them and they knew it and Self destructed is a clear sign of cowardice and dishonor so much so that one could argue that DD is not worthy of recognition. If you thought it stopped there guess again.. as soon as DD realized that UFP where getting close to their kills points (as ALWAYS) they closed the server and posted a screenshot on their forums claiming victory. Let it be known here and now UFP did not surrender! No one gave that order to and no one will, DD abandoned their space and retreated like the gutless mongrels they really are.

If a DD member read this I want them to know that there was no Victory for them in that Server, there was only:

And Ignorance

All of which DD stands for.

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Post by IceManHG »

Good victory!

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X-fire: Himble
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Post by Himble »

Excellent work gentlemen, and honour to fight beside you.
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Post by Costello »

I am privileged to fight in this time of war with everyone in UFP. Excellent displays of integrity, skill and camraderie.

Excellent BR EVOXSNES.
Fifth Fleet Admiral of the United Federation of Planets

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Post by EVOXSNES »

Cheers Artful... And it was a pleasure fighting the good fight with all of you

btw you always manage to find words that i canrt say "camraderie" :(
crazy voyager
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Post by crazy voyager »

Rember also, that -=FAD-= NIghtcon were in the lead all the way. But when he left they closed down the server right away (since they were now in the lead, something they wouldn't have been if the server had stayed open).

And I'd like to back what you said about invincible, esspecially when I was prevented from using my mic he still lead the way in an exemplary way! Great job people
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