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Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:32 am
by Carbonizer

Im not upset, im merely declaring we wont stand down to pathetic such as yourselves ;)

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:13 am
by Costello
IOCHAWKEYE wrote:AGain i keep hearing why your not in game. I dont care why your not in game. I very aware that your not in game. Perhaps you should reconsider your war when its more feesable for your clan. LOL . As far as god ships. I didnt make STBC . And i do not prevent others from using any ship they wish that the game provides. Enemy or Firend fly what you will either way meet you will meet distruction. And your kill to death ratio excuse is also an old age pathetic attempt to cover up your losses. Trust me first it will be because your busy you cant fight . Then it will be cause we use god ships, then it will be well kill death ratio, then it will be who has top score. WHats next my friends because i didnt close my eyes you lost? lmao . The only rules sence you have DECLARED war is one clan will remain at the end of this in STBC. I assure you it will be IOC! And when it is IOC your boards will read all the excuses why your not in STBC anymore ; ).
I'll make this simple: kill / death ratio is the only thing that matters. The side that has the best kill / death ratios with the highest score, won the battle. Understand?

In the last engagement against you, the United Federation of Planets [UFP] had a 3:1 ratio (1,482 kills versus 479 losses.). In short, you were defeated easily. You believe you stand a chance against us? IOC is a clan that has been around for five minutes whereas [UFP] has been around for years. We defeated you before and we will do it again.

[UFP] will meet you in battle soon enough.

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:54 am
by Kelbie
Love your enemies.. it pisses them off.

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:17 pm
by TParis
IOCHAWKEYE wrote: then it will be well kill death ratio, then it will be who has top score.
IOCHAWKEYE wrote:true master who has waged and defeated every clan in STBC!
I'm sorry, I fail to understand. Perhaps it is my "inferiority" - I certainly chalk it up to my "inferiority" that I cannot understand half of the threads that you write - but I don't understand how you gauge "defeated" if you don't recognize kill death ratio and top score as legitimate ways to measure a war. I have a feeling you suffer from a form of psychosis that gives you an altered view of reality than the rest of us. Your constant blabbering of superiority in STBC, claims of being a King, and unsupported claims of defeating other clans has me suspecting you have a superiority complex. But I am not a doctor and not qualified to judge. What I am qualified to judge is your complete lack of linguistic and interpersonal skills. I strongly advise you to go back to first grade before you dilute my glorious and holy forums with your nonsense. Can I ask you one thing though? I received your "Hail" several days ago (was it yesterday?) from someone of no consequence, and I was impressed that you actually used capitalization and periods; correctly too! My question is, did someone write that for you or did you simply use a spell check?

As far as the content of your hail, I'm really not interested in what you and your cohorts post on my forums, feel free to spam up the visitor forum all you like. The truth is that we've heard it all before and we're simply not bothered by your radicalism. In fact, I invite your officers to come on our teamspeak, details are on our website, to challenge us if you cannot find us in STBC. The visitor section should suffice and someone will see you. We'll count screen shots at the end.

As they say: glhf.


Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:22 pm
by Costello
What's that Hawkeye? [UFP] are hiding? We were just in Bridge Commander and IOC were nowhere to be seen. I'm top of the scoreboard, naturally.

Dare to show your faces.


Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:26 pm
by Kelbie
IOCHAWKEYE wrote:SO far they came on for 2 days and have not been seen yet. ALL who are here know me. IT is most wise for your clan to resume back to other games and leave STBC to the true master who has waged and defeated every clan in STBC! Long LIve The Order
Bullshit: the art of making the idiotic sound sensible :P

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:27 pm
Costello wrote:
IOCHAWKEYE wrote:AGain i keep hearing why your not in game. I dont care why your not in game. I very aware that your not in game. Perhaps you should reconsider your war when its more feesable for your clan. LOL . As far as god ships. I didnt make STBC . And i do not prevent others from using any ship they wish that the game provides. Enemy or Firend fly what you will either way meet you will meet distruction. And your kill to death ratio excuse is also an old age pathetic attempt to cover up your losses. Trust me first it will be because your busy you cant fight . Then it will be cause we use god ships, then it will be well kill death ratio, then it will be who has top score. WHats next my friends because i didnt close my eyes you lost? lmao . The only rules sence you have DECLARED war is one clan will remain at the end of this in STBC. I assure you it will be IOC! And when it is IOC your boards will read all the excuses why your not in STBC anymore ; ).
I'll make this simple: kill / death ratio is the only thing that matters. The side that has the best kill / death ratios with the highest score, won the battle. Understand?

In the last engagement against you, the United Federation of Planets [UFP] had a 3:1 ratio (1,482 kills versus 479 losses.). In short, you were defeated easily. You believe you stand a chance against us? IOC is a clan that has been around for five minutes whereas [UFP] has been around for years. We defeated you before and we will do it again.

[UFP] will meet you in battle soon enough.
Ill make it clear. We will distroy you and you will go back under your rock as we remain the elite clan in STBC. As for IOC age . yup only 5 months and still kicking your asses. I ran UFP outta STBC before UNder my former clan DD. Time will tell. count your kill/ Death ratio we count the clans we distroy.

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:32 pm
by Costello
Costello wrote:
IOCHAWKEYE wrote:AGain i keep hearing why your not in game. I dont care why your not in game. I very aware that your not in game. Perhaps you should reconsider your war when its more feesable for your clan. LOL . As far as god ships. I didnt make STBC . And i do not prevent others from using any ship they wish that the game provides. Enemy or Firend fly what you will either way meet you will meet distruction. And your kill to death ratio excuse is also an old age pathetic attempt to cover up your losses. Trust me first it will be because your busy you cant fight . Then it will be cause we use god ships, then it will be well kill death ratio, then it will be who has top score. WHats next my friends because i didnt close my eyes you lost? lmao . The only rules sence you have DECLARED war is one clan will remain at the end of this in STBC. I assure you it will be IOC! And when it is IOC your boards will read all the excuses why your not in STBC anymore ; ).
I'll make this simple: kill / death ratio is the only thing that matters. The side that has the best kill / death ratios with the highest score, won the battle. Understand?

In the last engagement against you, the United Federation of Planets [UFP] had a 3:1 ratio (1,482 kills versus 479 losses.). In short, you were defeated easily. You believe you stand a chance against us? IOC is a clan that has been around for five minutes whereas [UFP] has been around for years. We defeated you before and we will do it again.

[UFP] will meet you in battle soon enough.
Ill make it clear. We will distroy you and you will go back under your rock as we remain the elite clan in STBC. As for IOC age . yup only 5 months and still kicking your asses. I ran UFP outta STBC before UNder my former clan DD. Time will tell. count your kill/ Death ratio we count the clans we distroy.
You didn't run us anywhere, we're still here and DD is dead. You can't destroy [UFP], she is invincible.

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:36 pm
by Kelbie
For Christ sake Hawkeye, use proper spelling!

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:45 pm
by Digi