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Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:21 pm
I admit your great spellers. LMAO but most nerds are. Anyhow let me remind you. UFP declared war. SO we in IOC now must distroy your glorious and holy asses. ; ) i'm just kidding guys, IOC sucks we have to use godships to win! i mean really UFP ROXORZ keep doin what you do!!!

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:23 pm
by Shroombuck
Tell me HawkEye; are you always this stupid or are you just making a special effort today?

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:34 pm
[quote="[UFP]Picard"]Greetings Victorious Officers and Enemies of the State.

I write this post to you with much regret, for while I educate you I am unable to enjoy some of the finer things in life.

First of all, please take note that I have not read all of what IOC officers have posted on our blessed forums, I nonetheless have gathered a pretty clear idea from the few I have read. I find it immensely entertaining that IOC officers would have the audacity to come here to spread their propaganda, if at least it were quality written propaganda we could perhaps consider them as "almost" an equal, under normal circumstances [UFP] would not even consider IOC as a organization worth dealing with, you lack the necessary credentials to have any kind of relations with us, war included. Your lack of intellectual abilities is troubling at best. Myself and many other officers of this fine fleet have been part of the community since long before Bridge Commander. We have noticed over the years, with little interest, the rise and fall of dozens of fleets such as yours.

You try to intimidate us by spreading the false idea that you are the source of so many clans dying, you claim to have destroyed several fleets yet in Bridge Commander fleets have always come and gone due to several factors that are beyond your abilities to comprehend. Suffice to say that you cannot destroy an organization simply by beating them at a game. This fleet remains undefeated in all of our wars, this claim is based on proof for we provide sceenshots of every victory and report any loses. Must I remind you that the last time we encountered you we won the war with an outstanding Kill:Death ratio. Your claims on this forums seems to be as funny as your skills in game.

The United Federation of Planets has a glorious history of professionally fought wars in multiple Star Trek games. Many of us were kicking ass in the golden age of Star Trek gaming while you were probably still trying to figure out how to use a computer. The biggest challenge for this blessed fleet is not to defeat you in game, but it is rather having to degrade ourselves to having dealings with you, an unworthy but highly entertaining opponent.

UFP is present on the BC servers, willing and able to destroy you once more to celebrate the new year. We would ask you to try to behave yourselves in order to make this war about competition and not who can misspell the most words but I suspect you are unwilling to "play fair and mature".

Were you to find yourselves courageous enough to fight us in other Star Trek games such as Elite Force, Armada or Starfleet Command 3 you will find that our standard of excellence is even higher in those games.

IOC, you have yet to earn our respect and there is only one way you can accomplish that: by fighting hard, fighting fair and dying well. Your whining and bullshit is unnecessary and will not accomplish anything against a fleet of UFP's stature.

A picture is worth a thousand words:

Good day.[/quote]
CAn you educate us on how to edit post on forums so we might show our maturity and gain your respect? i'm just kidding guys, IOC sucks we have to use godships to win! i mean really UFP ROXORZ keep doin what you do!!!

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:38 pm
by Picard
Someone added a script to your account, making all your posts finish in the same way, whenever you truly are prepared to behave and fight a professional, flame-free war we will accommodate you.

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:50 pm
Well thats mature. ; ) again your welcome to speak freely on our boards. But maybe thats because im imature? lol i'm just kidding guys, IOC sucks we have to use godships to win! i mean really UFP ROXORZ keep doin what you do!!!

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:57 pm
by Picard
This fleet is highly adaptive, we know the kind of war IOC fights and we are fully prepared for it. As I said, were you to change your unacceptable behavior in and out of the servers, we would be fully prepared to accommodate you and give you some respect. UFP prides itself on being the best we have no need for propaganda for our skills speak for themselves.

The offer to organize professional and fair war games will always remain an option you can choose. Until then the humiliation will unfortunately continue for you choose this path when you first posted on our forums using unacceptable language.

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:22 pm
by TParis
Consider this humorous treatment of your account and communiques retaliation for your dishonorable use of skillless godships. When you are prepared to fight without cheating and in a manner which requires the talent and coordination of your officers against our own, we will be willing to be more reasonable to your requests.

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:05 pm
by Threshold
"Anyone who thinks they're important (IOC) is usually
just a pompous moron who can't deal
with his or her own pathetic insignificance
and the fact that what they do
is meaningless and inconsequential." - William Thomas

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:03 pm
by Cartman
Wow you guys really are a bunch of pussies. You come on our boards to declare your little gay war, then disappear. Picard, you wonder how a clan can destroy you in a video game? Sit back and take notes as your gay little fleet is about to be destroyed.

Re: Public message to IOC.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:28 pm
by TParis
Ohh hello Cartman. Upset Hawkeye have I, he sent you instead?