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Re: IOC waits and no UFP?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:57 pm
wienergobbler wrote:We came on your TeamSpeak with 15 people. You did not dare to greet or play against us, so please stop whining you half-witted-child.
Actualy was only 3 UFP? And we did go in STBC shortly after, and we also pwned your allies SF in BC2. And this without any notice as you guys say and us having lives . Blah blah blah i'm just kidding guys, IOC sucks we have to use godships to win! i mean really UFP ROXORZ keep doin what you do!!!

Re: IOC waits and no UFP?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:59 pm
Naruto wrote:Hawkeye, DD, yes i am still calling you DD, dress up a dog in a bee costume it still barks and is still a dog, has been doing this BS for years now, when are you going to grow up? oh and for god sakes GET A DICTIONARY i mean my native language is French(Canadian....don't you dare mistake me for the foo foo French from France, there is a difference!) and even i am better then you i still remember beating the crap out of your people during past wars when we were outnumbered, then you female dog in heat and cried and got into god ships, grow up and get a copulate life. But since this post is too complicated for your mind to understand i expect little from you and your band of misfits

EDIT: lol i forgot how awesome these forums are at censorship, FEMALE DOG IN HEAT FTW!
Once again your feedie clan declared this war. But now can not live up to the mission. i'm just kidding guys, IOC sucks we have to use godships to win! i mean really UFP ROXORZ keep doin what you do!!!

Re: IOC waits and no UFP?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:01 pm
by Carbonizer
Once more you are full of yourself Hawkeye. Not once did wienergobbler specify who was there ;) Maybe you should sit back and read through posts more than once 8-)

Re: IOC waits and no UFP?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:46 pm
by TParis
Once again IOC comes here and says "We were on last night." Tell ya what, I'm locking this thread and anymore like it. If you want to post, post something like "We will be there tonight at XX:XXpm GMT". We don't have the necessary telepathic ability to figure out when you'll decide to show up.