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Re: Subscribtion and Lifetime!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:14 pm
by Janeway
Alexraptor wrote:There is no queue to join the server.
And server issues that STO has been experience the past couple of days happens to ALL MMO's.
I do not think t here is an MMO in existance that has not had any kind of issues at launch, even the oh so worshipped WoW had it, and it was so bad that blizzard ended up giving out a few days to weeks of extra free play.
Well, I wouldn't know about that, I've never played an MMO until STO. You'll have to post how it is after it releases so the people that are on the fence about it can see how well it is holding up and if it is worth purchasing.

Re: Subscribtion and Lifetime!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:03 am
by Whiskers
Lightning wrote:
Alexraptor wrote:There is no queue to join the server.
And server issues that STO has been experience the past couple of days happens to ALL MMO's.
I do not think t here is an MMO in existance that has not had any kind of issues at launch, even the oh so worshipped WoW had it, and it was so bad that blizzard ended up giving out a few days to weeks of extra free play.
Well, I wouldn't know about that, I've never played an MMO until STO. You'll have to post how it is after it releases so the people that are on the fence about it can see how well it is holding up and if it is worth purchasing.
This. I'm saving up at the moment for a new gaming computer, and STO having a monthly subscription is really stretching my money. I need to know if it's actually worth it...

Re: Subscribtion and Lifetime!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:54 am
by Alexraptor
I could not say to be honest. Because everyone has their own personal taste.
Personally, i think its worth it, i enjoy it immensly, as do quite a few UFP officers.

The big question is what do you expect from STO?
If your expecting a simulation of the Star Trek world, then you will most likely bee disapointed and this game is not for you.
If your after a game that is fun and enjoyable to play and is Star Trek, then you may very well enjoy it.

Basicly, the setting of the game is Dominion War 2.0, though this time everything has gone to hell.
The Federation and the Klingon empire are at full scale war as well as the empire fighting a civil war between the house of Martok and the house of Duras, tensions are rising between the federation and what remains of the crippled romulan star empire, the Undine(species 8472) are infiltrating the top levels of the major powers in the Alpha Quadrant spreading mistrust and paranoia, The Alpha Jem'hadar's has broken away and formed a new faction called the "new dominion" and are re-arming as well as a cardassian faction looking to return cardassia to the old way.
And last but not least, the Borg have returned, and once again pose a threat to the alpha quadrant.

So as you can see the world of Star Trek online is ablaze with war throughout the quadrant.
But all is not war and combat, there is also missions and exploration missions that vary from answering distress calls and fighting off raiders, to investigating bases, non-coporeal lifeforms, gathering samples, analyzing plants, etc.

So you decide, is this for you or is it not?

Re: Subscribtion and Lifetime!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:07 pm
by pooperscooper
The other thing you can do is just try it out. People should be getting 10 day trial codes to give out to friends so try and nab one of those from a buddy or fellow member of the fleet. Give it the 10 days to like/dislike and then you make the call.