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Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:43 pm
by Kelbie
Goodluck Picard, i hope you well in the future. I hope we will keep intouch, from time to time.

Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:23 pm
by IceManHG
Have a great retirement Picard. You have led this great Fleet with passion through good times and bad times and its been an honor being under your command.

Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:38 pm
by htdefiant

Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:50 pm
by kayoh
*snaps to attention*


While I may have only served in this fleet for a couple of weeks, may I say that you were the backbone to this entire organization. Your strong leadership, professionalism and unwavering support for the Star Trek community kept UFP the most dominant force in the community.

Hopefully your retirement does not mean you will stay away from the forums.

May the road above you be filled with light, and your travels safe.

Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:22 am
"All good things"


Good luck and best wishes.

Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:55 pm
by Church
I remember when you stepped down and Riker became Fleet Admiral...Then Jesse....and then you came back. It's been fun, Picard. I still tell my friends at school stories about how it took me, Harper, and Oda teaming up just to touch you on EF1, and sometimes even the three of us together couldn't take you out. When I joined UFP back in November, 2005, you made me feel welcome, and you never stopped making me feel welcome, even with my spurts of inactivity these past couple years. Hell, you're the one who gave me the nickname Captain Crunch when you were drunk during a diplomatic meeting with another fleet while I was still a captain in diplomacy. Good times, to say the least. I'll miss your leadership, Picard, but I'm not sure I could think of many better choices as your successor than Exeter.

Congrats, Exeter, and god speed, Picard.

Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:04 am
by Taylynn

Although I have only served with you for, I think a couple of months :), it has been a great honour to have you as my Fleet Admiral. You have commanded greatly and showed great dedication and that inspires me.

Godspeed and good luck in the future, however I hope to see you around again.

Fleet Admiral Exeter,

Congratulations on your promotion to Fleet Admiral. It is well deserved. I know because I have been in STO with ya and seen how you are towards others and the fleet. You will do great.

*Salutes to both Ret. Fleet Admiral Picard and to Fleet Admiral Exeter.


Lieutenant Junior Grade Taylynn Bennett
First Fleet Officer
Red Squadron Officer

Re: Stepping Down and the eve of a new era.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:55 am
by Greed
Well my friend I did indeed read this. I am touched. LOL and yea I remeber the language barrier at the beggining. I also remember that you were typing it like a pro with in a few months.

The feeling is mutual. I love you guys and will always count you amoung my friends.

You leave some rather large shoes to fill my friend. It has been a long journey. I always knew you would be around for a long time. But you surpassed my expectations. I only wish I was still gaming so we could battle side by side again.

UFP you were honored to have such a dedicated FA for so long. I'm sure as he passes the torch he will off advise when asked, and continue to help in any way he can. because thats who he is. Like his name sake, a true leader.

Good luck with you future endeavors my friend. God speed and calm seas.