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Re: Declaration of War

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:31 am
[quote="TParis"][quote="IOCHAWKEYE"][quote="TParis"][center][img] ... gocopy.png[/img][/center]

Greetings UFP Admirals, Officers, Retired Officers, Allies, Friends, and Enemies of the State,

Per the Mutual Protection Pact between Starfleet [SF] and the United Federation of Planets [UFP], ratified on September 12, 2008 by Rear Admiral JPorter and Admiral Picard, section 1 paragraph 2, Starfleet has requested the cooperation and mutual defense of Starfleet space against the Imperial Order Clan for violating community trust by 1) attempting to infiltrate and spy on Starfleet, 2) attempting to dominate the community by aggressive and unwarranted abusive tactics, 3) harassing the community and Starfleet's members.

The Council of Admirals has closely been observing this alarmingly increasing rate of provocation and harassment to our allies from an all too familiar plague. In light of this, the United Federation of Planets hereby moves to Red Alert and declares war on the Imperial Order Clan (I.O.C). Pieced together by remnants of the Devil Dogs, the I.O.C represents a scourge across the ailing Star Trek gaming community. In the last conflict against these aggressors, the United Federation of Planets was gloriously triumphant outmatching our opponents with a 4:1 ratio in kills versus losses.

Once again the United Federation of Planets will prove itself as the preeminent pure Star Trek gaming clan, as the call of battle marshals this noble fleet, we stand ready to assist Starfleet and our allies in eradicating the infestation that is I.O.C. once and for all. All [UFP] officers are ordered to engage on sight, leave no survivors. Our allies are more than welcome to participate in the blood-bath to follow.

It is hereby announced that the United Federation of Planets is at war commencing Saturday January 15th, 2011 1149 hrs CST. All [UFP] ships are to stand at [color=red]RED ALERT[/color] and engage on sight. No quarter is to be granted.

Fleet Admiral TParis[/quote]
Here is once again what your mission is i shall post your statements and show you how you have not accomplished any of your goals with your war.
1.1) attempting to infiltrate and spy on Starfleet (you have not accomplished this as we still are inside watching)
2.2) attempting to dominate the community by aggressive and unwarranted abusive tactics(for the last 4 days no UFP have been seen and IOC fleet is growing .Our agression has increased do to your provoked war.)
3.3) harassing the community and Starfleet's members.(in the last 4 days do to your inability to be in game the STBC community suffers more as we crash down on them, and star fleet has there teamspeak over run often to were they are now banning.)
4.we stand ready to assist Starfleet and our allies in eradicating the infestation that is I.O.C. once and for all. (hmmm we still here and growing ever larger. The only thing that will be once and for all is when you flee from STBC)
5.All [UFP] officers are ordered to engage on sight, leave no survivors(perhaps you meant any UFP or SF survivors?)
6. last but not least never in any of this did you challange us to a scrim of kill/ death ratio. YOu stated your mission with the war above none of this you have achieved ! Hence IOC victory! i'm just kidding guys, IOC sucks we have to use godships to win! i mean really UFP ROXORZ keep doin what you do!!![/quote]

Is that how IOC wins wars? You don't recognize K/D ratio, you don't recognize high scores, you say you wont win on our forums (which I assume is propoganda), and you say you wont win in game. So now we are finally told what IOC's tactic to destroy UFP is? At some point you'll claim I didn't specify all the ways I would dominate you and then you'd say my lack of defining the community standards automatically declares you the victor?

[quote="IOCHAWKEYE"] I await you foolish post of victory as you flee STBC and leave the community on its a.s.s having to contend with IOC[/quote]

I'm not even close to declaring victory, UFP still has a lot more IOC butt to kick. But it seems you are indeed attempting to do just that. You're attempted to claim a victory so you can flee BC and avoid our hordes as they crush your talentless pilots. Continue to grow, be my guest. More talentless pilots for us to brutally pound into space dust. When I do declare victory, and I will based on measurable statistics that prove UFP superiority, I will be sure to rub it in your face anywhere and everywhere that UFP meets IOC.

Have a good day Hawkeye.[/quote]
And when you declare this so called victory. As IOC over runs STBC and idependents and other clans are getting smashed by our clan. WIll you tell them well we only meant to help in Kil /Death ration. As they beg you for assistence will you turn your back on them against your own war statement?Our victory will be when u have left STBC and we are the very thing you said you woudl stop. The agressive domanating force contending with all and no one to stop us! i'm just kidding guys, IOC sucks we have to use godships to win! i mean really UFP ROXORZ keep doin what you do!!!

Re: Declaration of War

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:19 am
by Shroombuck
I did not bother to read any of it, but did you know that psychologists cannot treat your stupidity, apparently it's not a disorder that is recognised, you see...

Re: Declaration of War

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:03 pm
by Picard
Kruge wrote:Hey Guys,I'm left IOC completely i did tell at first that i'd stay in their "CA" division because i had a personnal friend who joined them but was told either i was fully ioc or i wasn't so i left as i'm not being a part of the bull**** & constant insults & lies coming from members of IOC.Zero being one who stated real mean gang bang while losers duel showing just how ******ed he is & the fact this **** has never won a fight in game or in life alone & i'd wager he's had his ass kicked many times in life.But anyways i'm not in "I.O.C" anymore so don't fire on me in "STBC" as i'm a neutral player for now.I've not yet decided if i'll join SF or UFP not to mention one of many clans engaged with the **** terrorist "Imperial Order",For now i shall train when servers aren't up & duel with the "STBC" community and focus more on having fun then trying to be number one.Again i laugh at all IOC who actually think their a ****ing threat as they couldn't individually beat me or for that matter most unless they start using script hacks,mods,sding, pretty much they'd have to cheat or sd.



P.S. Please remove my I.O.C. tags as i'll refuse to be recognized as a member.
Growing everyday eh?

Looks like even your own members are starting to realize what IOC really is about.

Re: Declaration of War

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:44 pm
by Shroombuck
Haha. Look at that!

Re: Declaration of War

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:42 pm
by Naruto
the real quality members they gain will quickly realize that the IOC is not a fleet for them, because most of the good members don't believe in hacking/cheating and gangbanging to win fights, the UFDF may be a small fleet compared to the IOC, but i am ready to stake my reputation that we could beat them in fair fights, hell i alone am an old BC Vet that given half the time to retrain myself could probably defeat them on my own