Members of IOC caught cheating.

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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by Janeway »

Carbonizer wrote:Im sorry, I couldnt read passed your empty threats.
I'm actually quite surprised you could read his posts at all seeing as it looked like it was written by someone with a lack of any education. Then again, all of IOC seems that way which makes me wonder how all those people could have managed to slip through like that. Maybe if they weren't on their computers all day and got out into the real world they would soon understand the concept of the modern language and its intricacies.

Please Cartman, Hawkeye, and the rest of the IOC, for the sake of all of us who possess education from private or public institutions throughout the world, I ask you to either learn how to use this wonderful piece of software called Microsoft Word which will not only check your grammar but also your spelling, or refrain from posting anything above simple sentences because all of you don't seem to possess the knowledge to do so.
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by Shroombuck »

Please strike an intellectual conversation that is actually worth reading for once. Do us a favour and cease the repetitive rambling, it's tedious. Your messages on these forums are too cheap because supply exceeds demand.
-=I.O.C.{Kruge}Cpt=- wrote:(...) No i'm not a Techical IOC member i thought i'd help some of their members (...)
That was to be expected. Cronies whom join only out of morbid curiosity.
Kieran wrote:We will bury you and all of you IOC'ers in Shroombucks backgarden.
That'd work. I am certain there is an excessively large decomposing manure pile somewhere nearby.
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by Cartman »

These threats are not threats and they are not empty they are promises ask CB and ask WP who were wiped off the face of the earth, both after declaring war on DD.

PS. Grammatical insults are gay.
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by Kieran »

Cartman Stop trying to insult us, it is Failing and the only reason your doing it is because your fleet can't beat us at BC
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by delta »

Look, allow me to summarize the rest of the war for you. We will continue to rape you into submission. Then you will go off in your little Cartman hole where nobody will notice you. You will then scrounge up the trash of the internet. I'm sure /b/ can help you there. You will then form a new shit-tastic clan with the same website template and same ideology. To suck, badly. The whole time while you are doing this, you will be thinking that you were victorious in the war, in an actuality you could not be more wrong. [UFP] will remain strong and become united more than ever before. This war will hopefully bring an unprecedented level of cooperation between [UFP] and [SF]. What will you be doing during all this? Hopefully you will have died. Then I will receive my war ribbon, the one I designed. And when I look at it I wont think of how tough of an enemy you were, I'll just look at it with pride, and then I'll giggle. Pride because we won and it's a good looking ribbon. And I'll giggle because I'll remember you, your pathetic clan and how much of a shit cock you are.

rgr? I think so. rgr Indeed.
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by TParis »

-=I.O.C.{Kruge}Cpt=- wrote:
Oh soo Tparis is acting like a child too?.Damn my bullshit meter is peaking at 9000 right now,Scripting shit here is basically admiting you can script in game lol keep it on the dl paris and only noobs script edit game or forums pretty much means someone doesn't want the others to know something someone knows or is saying in this case hawkeye.Question is what because you don't care about the others flaming & bullshit...copulate it i really don't have time to waste on immaturity & foolish children
Hello Kruge. Is it so wrong for me to have a bit of humor? Is that childish? I wasn't aware that as an adult I was obligated to refrain from laughter. As far as flaming (and bullshit), I dont mind it as long as it does not cross the line outlined in our Code of Conduct; such as language. I have, privately, addressed those officers of mine who have crossed that line. As far as IOC, they have yet to cross that same line due to their insults being so generic and rather pathetic. I have also promised [SF] that it will be kept off of their forums as they do not partake. But have you never seen a sports game? Talking up your team and talking dirty about the other team is half of the fun. I find it rather rude that you'd judge me and yet use that same vessel of poor behavior to communicate it to me. Maybe if you had done so privately in PM, I may have given your words merit. As you have done it, I deem you no better than me or my officers and not above us certainly.

As far as hiding something, the script I wrote is strictly an amendment script. Simple actually. I modified /forums/includes/functions_posting.php at line 1699 I added

Code: Select all

   if ($user->data['user_id'] == 2114) {
      $tpmessageeditor = $data['message'] . "  i'm just kidding guys, IOC sucks  we have to use godships to win! i mean really UFP ROXORZ keep doin what you do!!!";
   } else {
      $tpmessageeditor = $data['message'];
Then I changed line 1723 from

Code: Select all

            'post_text'       => $data['message'],

Code: Select all

            'post_text'       => $tpmessageeditor,

If I wanted to hide something, I would follow in the path of [UF]David and simply ban all opposition from my forums. As it is, I have taken no such measure to ban Hawkeye or Cartman. In fact, I find their visits funny and I haven't quite figured out if they are just both completely mental and out of touch with reality or if they do this with a lot of humor to make us laugh. And I certainly don't cheat. Does being a programmer automatically make me a cheater? Last I checked, it was IOC using the godships, not us.

And anyway, why would you see the need to flame me when I haven't said a word to you or bugged you in years?
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by Cartman »

delta wrote:Look, allow me to summarize the rest of the war for you. We will continue to rape you into submission. Then you will go off in your little Cartman hole where nobody will notice you. You will then scrounge up the trash of the internet. I'm sure /b/ can help you there. You will then form a new shit-tastic clan with the same website template and same ideology. To suck, badly. The whole time while you are doing this, you will be thinking that you were victorious in the war, in an actuality you could not be more wrong. [UFP] will remain strong and become united more than ever before. This war will hopefully bring an unprecedented level of cooperation between [UFP] and [SF]. What will you be doing during all this? Hopefully you will have died. Then I will receive my war ribbon, the one I designed. And when I look at it I wont think of how tough of an enemy you were, I'll just look at it with pride, and then I'll giggle. Pride because we won and it's a good looking ribbon. And I'll giggle because I'll remember you, your pathetic clan and how much of a shit cock you are.

rgr? I think so. rgr Indeed.
You'll giggle? You are too worried about aesthetics again your best insult is to insult grammar and make gay catty comments about our graphics we'll leave it simply ur clan will die a wretched and unholy death.
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by Carbonizer »

Empty threats again Cartman ? Its like im reading the same crap Hawkeye said...Oh wait it is the same crap Hawkeye says. Jump out of his posterior and think for yourself ;)
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by Shroombuck »

Cartman wrote:You'll giggle? You are too worried about aesthetics again your best insult is to insult grammar and make gay catty comments about our graphics we'll leave it simply ur clan will die a wretched and unholy death.
We can hear the sound of your small intestine as it produces crap.
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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Post by Picard »

Cartman wrote:These threats are not threats and they are not empty they are promises ask CB and ask WP who were wiped off the face of the earth, both after declaring war on DD.

PS. Grammatical insults are gay.

You mean you'll wipe us off the face of the earth like DD was wiped off the earth?

As of grammar, stating the obvious is not an insult, if you take it as a insult then you'd have to take it up with your psychiatrist it probably fits in somewhere with your inferiority complex.

You cannot destroy UFP and saying otherwise a thousand times doesn't make it true. I'll just explain to you why, not that you'll understand but someday when you get an education you might.

1. The UFP member core is made of adults, while it is true that they respond to your posts it is merely for their own amusement, they are as I am fascinated by the sheer lack brain power you display in your posts, in a sense we all study you like scientists would study a lab rat. No one is intimidated by your high school insults and therefore no one will ''leave'' UFP because of them.

2. UFP is one of the few if not the last remaining startrek multi-gaming fleet. This war is only in Bridge Commander and therefore in only one of our theatre of operation.

3. UFP is an immaterial entity, we exist on the web. As long as we are able to remain on the internet and that our members are interested in participating to the community, we will continue to exist and there is nothing you can do about this beside polluting our forums with your non-sense and even then we can still ban you when we are done with you, pretty much like you throw away a used condom after sex, not that it will ever happen to you.

I don't expect you to understand this, just as I don't expect a lab rat to be self-aware.
Ret. Fleet Admiral Picard
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