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Sisko BR 118 BC (war)

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:19 pm
by Sisko
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]Combat Date:12/14.07
Platform:Star Trek BC
Mod Type:KM 1.0
Combat Report:# 118
Match Variant:Online Duel
Allied Fleet[UFP]Sisko:Federation Rhode Island Class
Enemy Fleet:[DFP]Gazed:Federation Rhode Island Class
Points Allotted:N/A
Era: TNG
Military Log:

My first war with my m8s in [UFP].I was always proud to stand beside them in peace when the call to arms was posted by our leader Picard,i was more than ready to answer.I came to TS and heard that gazed was alone taking on [UFP] officers,so i joined the server.I took out a Rhode Island because i had heard how well Invincible was doing with it the day before,and he had trained me in this vessel once before.I was flying around minding my own buisness when i was called out by gazed for a 1v1.We went to red alert and managed to get the shields up as Gazed`s weapons were already on the way.I rotated to compensate,raised power systems to 110% and turned to return fire.My plan was to bring his dorsal shields to red first,so i didnt bother to target a subsystem.I just forced all weapons onto his dorsal sections during the intire time.the training by invincible allowed me to keep him in my forward weapons arcs and turn faster.After a while,i managed to bring his dorsal shields to condition red and began damaging his hull.invincible gave me the heads up to hit him hard with torpedoes whenever he stopped his ship dead in space.I did this and his ship was battered hard by my forward tubes

After a few more passes,i achieved the victory.I want to thank Invincible for his Rhode island training,and Artfulmerkage for his overall tactical training.

[IMG] ... zedki1.jpg[/IMG]

I also want to note extreme no0b behavior by gazed for racist comments about jews,repeated use of god ships (hutet,excalibur,and borg spheres)...and the HIGHLIGHT of the evening is when he asked to defect from DFP...and asked to JOIN [UFP]!!!

You read it right.

He then tried to advance the chat to wipe it out,but starfleet security was much too fast for him,and we got it in a screenshot.

today,i was VERY PROUD to be a member of [UFP].


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:26 pm
by McManus
I will list this as a "Unconfirmed kill" due to the high probability it was an imposter, nonetheless good work

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:29 pm
by Sisko
how will you proove it was him or if it want him.theres really no way m8.I know youve still got strong ties to your m8s in DFP.

Its just as high a probability that it WAS him m8.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:16 pm
by Yahoo Slurp [Bot]
Great job Ben, it was a great performance on your end as you literally ran circles around his Rhode Island and come out barely scratched.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:27 am
by crazy voyager
It was a great fight Sisko, you did really really well! Keep it up mate

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:08 pm
by Sisko
thnx guys

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:08 pm
by htdefiant
Well done. Yes, Artful's tactical training does wonders for the fights...

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:45 pm
by Alexander
Nicely done Lieutenant...

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:30 pm
by McManus
This battle has been annulled by TParis