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USS Arrow BR#6/War-DD

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:04 am
Name: USS Arrow

Date: December 18, 2007

Mod: KM1

Map/System: NA

Enemies: DD Nova, DD Raven, DD Drako, DD Hawkeye, and DD ZX.

Allies: [UFP]DaveHarper, and other allied clans including MG, and FH.

Myself: Intrepid and Sovereign Class

Report on Battle: When I finally got into the sever I met an out numbered enemy(7 on 3). I quickly joined the allied fleet and went on the war path. It was a nice change of pace after being ganged up soo many times before. But our fortunes were about to change when several more DD ships appeared on long range sensors. It was now even numbered and I got ready for what was about to come. DD had brought in several hybred and Sovereign class ships and the fighting became tough. We were loosing ships left and right due to the hybred torps but we pressed on and didn't give up. The Battle lasted 30 min at least and in the end no one knew who had won.

Outcome: Unresolved

[IMG] ... 340ew3.png[/IMG]
[IMG] ... 545qz3.png[/IMG]
[IMG] ... 766tg9.png[/IMG]
[IMG] ... 334hk5.png[/IMG]

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:33 am
by IceManHG
Looks like DD is resorting to god ships again. Thy Hybrid is overpowered. Those blue beams they fire will thrash a fully shielded Promie in seconds.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:59 am
by Dave J. Harper
its not the beams its the torps there undodgable and follow you till eithr you point defence them or they impact

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:05 am
by Data
Can't point defense in DM mode.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:11 am
Good joB!