Data BR #107 (BC KM1) DD BR#1

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Moderators: Starfleet Security, Engineering Command

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Data BR #107 (BC KM1) DD BR#1

Post by Data »

Name: Data Jr.

Date: December 19, 2007

Mod: KM1

Map/System: Not sure...DM server of DD's I guess

Players fought and ships: DD Fixer, Hawkeye, Oberth?

Myself: Prometheus, Excalibur, Cardassian Hybrid


I came onto TS and was told about a match going on in BC. The room I was directed to was full. So I joined another room with Evoxsnes and I think USS Arrow was in there as well. I started out in a Hybrid to fight fire with fire. I felt like I was kicking butt and taking names. I found that the weakness of the Hybrid is the Sensors. I mean obviously its on most ships, but when the sensors are gone, the whole ship is gone. Which is nice. So even though I don't like going for the sensors, but someone told me the other day, that its not about fairness, its about numbers. So I took that into consideration and blasted them with my positrons. Give them a taste of their own medicine. After playing around in the Hybrid, I took out the Excalibur. I have never resorted to this ship, but decided to use it today. WOW that thing can take a beating. I took weapons fire from two DD hybrids including their positron torpedoes and the ship kept on trucking. I kept dishing out torpedo after torpedo weakening their ships. Then I switched back to Prometheus and continued doing what I was doing. Kicking butt. I can tell this is going to be a long, long battle. This server was shut down by DD, b/c apparently they had a phone call and had to d/c from their dial up service. Either that or I scared them away. LOL


Conclusions: I think that I underestimated the use of the Excalibur.


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