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Invincible - Battle Report 33 - 1v1 DD Ownage

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:18 am
by Invincible
Name: Invincible
Game: Bridge Commander KM 1.0 Mod
Map/System: Unknown
Ship: Rhode Island
Observers: Various WP, {UFP}. [UFP] officers.
Opponents: =DD=SamSmith=B4

This was my first proper DD engagement, it was fantastic fun and complete ownage but somewhat marred by how he chose to end the battle. SamSmith was complaining that he was being ganged upon by however many players in the server and that's the reason he couldn't spawn for more than thirty seconds and only made one kill, about thirty minutes in to a 40 minute game. I called him out and asked if he wanted a 1 v 1, which he accepted. Intially he tried to kill me in a Negh'Var, but was soon destroyed after someone else fired on him, not being aware of the duel.

He respawned in a Rhode Island, something which I was very pleased to see as I knew it would be very difficult for him to win. I immediately powered my systems to 125% and moved toward him and told him to fire when ready. Curiously, he missed the oppertunity to open with his forward four torpedoes and instead waiting until his aft ones were facing me. He opened fire with his phasers and torpedoes, with the latter missing. I returned it with all of my torpedoes and phasers, targetting his warp core.

He didn't really seem to have a grasp of the Rhode Island as his speed didn't really exceed 5000km/s, which allowed me to target his upper and lower shields with ease. His weapony did do some damage to me, as a slight error in rotation allowed him to land four torpedoes on my upper shield. I continued firing as he really just sat there without utilising his ship's mobility and instead seemed to rely on me moving into his weapon arcs.

Any moves he did try to make were quickly quashed as his warp core took more and more damage. His lack of movement allowed me to hit him any way I pleased and I took advantage of this, firing all of my torpedoes at his core with little fire in return. Unfortunately, he self-destructed before I had a chance to deliver the final torpedoes to his core, which robbed me of reading "=DD=Smith=B4 was killed by [UFP]Invincible." but it was clear enough that I had completely owned him with only relatively minor shield damage in return.

A screenshot(s) will be posted soon, as I'm waiting for WP Furnace to upload those he took so kindly for me during the game.

Conclusions: Smith is not skilled in a Rhode Island and is willing to resort to noobish tactics to try and claim victory (for example, once his death rate was at a certain point, he would quit and rejoin). He then again started complaining when he was ganged up on; I pointed out he couldn't even win a 1 v 1 game. He only got the one kill and had to spawn five times in a Sovereign to destroy an already damaged ship.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:33 am
by crazy voyager
Great fun this was
Nice Br aswell mate

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:46 am
by Invincible
It certainly was, Voyager. Furnace was a real top bloke to fight alongside.


Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:36 am
by Siberian Tiger
Good job!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:07 pm
by Sisko
Very well done Adam,welcome to the war m8!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:42 pm
by crazy voyager
Furnace was a really nice guy, nice to make new aquaintances in the world of bc

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:44 pm
by Costello
Top class Adam, well played.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:09 pm
by htdefiant
Well done :)