Data BR #108 (BC KM1) DD BR#2

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Data BR #108 (BC KM1) DD BR#2

Post by Data »

COLOR="DarkOrange"]Name:[/COLOR] Data Jr.

Date: December 21, 2007

Mod: KM1

Map/System: Space

Players fought and ships: DD

Myself: Excalibur, Cardassian Hybrid

Spock and I decided to go into a DD server and join WP in their engagement. I decided to use the Excalibur for this occasion. I flew around, destroying a few ships here and there. After 3 or 4 DD started firing on me, they took out my sensors. After they did that they left me floating in space. I quess I was too much for them. So they told me that if I self destructed I was going to be booted. I did not wish to be booted because that leave poor Spock all by his lonesome and I just couldn't do that. There was a WP officer flying about in an Aegian repairing ships, which was an excellant idea. But my sensors were beyond repair. So I told DD that I guess since I was too much for them to finish off I just made the announcement in the server for someone to blow me up. I even made it easy for them, I dropped my shields and went to Green. They still were too afraid to come after me. So Spock decided to take me out. Which was quite hilarious if you ask me. So anyways, I continue my onslaught of the DD. I really enjoyed using the Excalibur. It's too powerful, but it get's the job done I suppose. So I then later switched to the Hybrid and continued.


Conclusions: This server was quite, they weren't saying much at all. Just flying their ships getting owned and every once in a while doing some damage.

I don't really know how many kills I had, but I only managed to get one screenshot. Fraps wasn't working too kindly for me.

[IMG] ... t035-1.jpg[/IMG]
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