Victory Day.

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Victory Day.

Post by Picard »

Greetings glorified UFP officers, honored guests and enemies of the state.

Today marks a very important day in the history of this fleet. Today is the day when exactly one year ago we won the UFP / DD war after nearly 200 war engagements. UFP had displayed a overwhelming activity during this war, our skills, discipline and values prevailed in the face of hateful propaganda. And today we honor those who fought in this war as well as UFP and it's Starfleet as a whole.

The level of activity we were able to produce in this war nothing less than a outstanding accomplishment considering the shape of the community. Today our enemies are long defeated and silent. Let this be a message for those who wish to challenge UFP using dishonorable tactics.

But for now let us remember the events that took place more than one year ago and led us to Victory day on February 5th 2008.
UFP moves to Red Alert.
Attention: UFP Officers, Visitors, Enemies of the State.

Per order of the Admiral’s Council this Fleet is hereby brought to Condition Red effective immediately. A state of war now exists between the United Federation of Planets [UFP] and the Democratic Federation of Planets [DFP].

We are all familiar with the many instances in which DFP members are guilty of poaching our members, spreading anti UFP propaganda and insulting our (and most of the communities) structural organization, and much more. This fleet has been unusually tolerant and up until now we have not made moves against DFP, we gave them a chance, but the time has come when a Fleet must defend its honor and sovereignty with force. We shall do that by doing what we do best: playing games! Competitively.

The United Federation of Planets is determined to engage DFP officers and organize war games with DFP and their allies to establish UFP supremacy in this sector. We believe that the best defense against DFP is a strong offense. This pre-emptive attack is merely aimed at defending ourselves from the abovementioned subversive attacks from DFP. We will no longer accept their propaganda about us to be spread to other fleets. UFP until now has held a very neutral position with DFP and we do not make a habit of it to declare war on a whim, this has been well thought out and all contingencies exhausted.

They claim their values are nobler than ours, yet will they do what is honorable and face us in battle? We shall see. We remind them that this is a gaming community and as good as they might be at writing legislation, our purpose here is to play star trek games, after all words are cheap. We humbly hope this war will be fought in a professional and organized manner and to set an example any UFP officer found in breach of our rules and regulations in this time of judgment will be punished greatly as we must set an example to the community of what true war conduct is. I repeat, monitor your own conduct and do not breach the CoC regardless of what is said to you. Our officers are encouraged to report bad enemy gaming conduct to UFP command where it will be pursued.

Let us now stand shoulder to shoulder and do our duty to the best of our abilities whatever that may be. Together we are a strong and cohesive entity; a United Federation of Planets.

After sustaining back to back defeats DFP tries to cut UFP war effort by pertaining to falsely want peace.
Greetings UFP officers, honored guests and enemies of the state.

The new year presented itself as a year of hope for the Star Trek community a year of peace and prosperity for UFP the wind is changing. UFP faces itself challenged by a handful of cowards in DFP and we will no longer tolerate their disrespect of UFP.

The Democratic Federation of Planets pretended to want peace with UFP. For close to one month we have been negotiating the terms which were quite fair and advantageous for DFP as some DFP officers agreed. We were ready to go quite far to bring back the peace in the community and end a useless war since DFP would not fight us. It appears obvious now that all of this was a trick a huge deception to distract UFP forces from their main goal, victory over DFP. They pretend to want peace but do nothing to make it happen they are dragging this war on and on hoping UFP will get bored of them and move on to more important matters. We shall not our honor and integrity is at stake.

The Democratic Federation of Planets made very important accusations in their declaration of independence. Granted the leadership has changed but they will not retract these false statements from their constitution therefore the current leadership is as much responsible as the last one for accepting propaganda and lies to be distributed to the community. We have been patient, we have been fair and we have been understanding. UFP will not accept to be played with therefore you will now feel our wrath.

It is obvious that UAF is taking over DFP first with a sister fleet pact (mixing membership) and now merger talks are underway. I ask of DFP where are those democratic values, fairness and freedom when in the end you are just a UAF client state and do whatever they tell you to. It is most ironic that a fleet like DFP who split from UFP because we were not democratic enough would plan a merger and make a sister fleet pact with a fleet that is a absolute dictatorship. The leader has all powers. This is much worse than UFP or what they claim of UFP. Then again time always bring the truth, this finally confirm what DFP really is about. Most recent events includes the banning of a UFP envoy to DFP who was working for peace with DFP. He was banned on UAF demand, this is unacceptable to us. DFP has selective rules, they only apply when it benefits them. I wonder if UAF CO who flamed and disrespected forums users more than anyone also got banned, somehow I doubt it.

This is why I must announce that the United Federation of Planets now withdraw ALL peace offers made to the Democratic Federation of Planets and now resume all military operation and declares a FULL state of war with DFP. Furthermore since DFP has refused and will continue to deny us war games we shall use all means necessary to ensure victory for UFP. This does not include Hacking or Spying. However I must point out that it is the first time in UFP history that we shall use all means at our disposal to defeat a fleet. We never needed to because in the past our opponents had enough honor to face us in game. We shall prevail.

Good hunting.
Finally, after a sustained attacks and pressure from UFP officers, the two fleets surrenders.
Greetings Officers, Honored guests, defeated enemies.

Today marks the end of over 54 days of war, 54 days ago we declared war on the Democratic Federation of Planets. A week later the community demanded our help to fight against another fleet, The Devil dogs who had just begun an arrogant war policy against all BC clans. We fought for over 45 days on two fronts and today we stand victorious. All our enemies are now silent in front of our cannons. With the admitted defeat of DFP and the acceptation of our demands by their high command we have no more reason to continue any hostile activities since our demands were finally met. The end of the “Submit or die” campaign of the Devil Dogs brings back peace and order to the community. After over a year of peace the United Federation of Planets answered the call of war and defended its honor, the community and its friends. We stand in triumph over the destroyed fleets of our enemies leaving them no choice but to bend to our will. Once more we have prevailed.

The results of this war are nothing less than absolutely outstanding. 24 engagements won against DFP versus 4 defeats. Against the Devil Dogs and SAW the United Federation of Planets bridge commander troops have accumulated a total of 1,482 kills versus 479 loses. Stand tall, this is something to be proud of. Today is a historic day for UFP and the Star Trek Community, we shall celebrate this day for as long as this fleet exists. I had not seen such an exiting and active war in years and UFP new generations of officers answered the call with determination and discipline, you made us all proud. It is time to celebrate not only the victory over one fleet, but our victory over 3 and a victory ratio close to 4 : 1.

UFP, you make me proud.

One year later let us remember that UFP is not just any fleet, yes it is a organization based on Star Trek values but also with a great history of its own that we must preserve; this fleet has sustained life in this community for years while maintaining high standards of gaming aswell as overall activity and this without compromising the quality and skills of our officers. There is a lot to be proud of indeed we were proven to be a capable war machine when challenged while also being able to be a porwerful force for enforcing peace and justice in this sector. And we shall continue to meet our moral obligations to this great community for the generations of gamers to come.

Rejoice, the day is ours once more.
Ret. Fleet Admiral Picard
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by Bailo »

Well Said Sir!
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by Carbonizer »

Indeed. Good speech Admiral sir.
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by JerichoKru »

I agree with everything above.
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by USS ARROW »

Ah the memories, cant believe its been a year already
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by htdefiant »

Long live [UFP]. It is an honor to serve with you all.
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by Costello »

My, how time flies.
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by GregColemar »

You guys did real well!

Fitzy Of Sydney
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by Fitzy Of Sydney »

Indeed well said.
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Re: Victory Day.

Post by IceManHG »

The DD war was one of the best times I ever had in the UFP. We all came together to overcome our enemies. I still look back on those days.

For everyone that joined after the war and for everyone who fought in it, read and remember how it all started. The first DD "submit or die" threat and the first shots fired in anger to defend UFP's honor. It was a glorious hour and fifteen minute battle. ... 519#p80519

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