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Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:18 pm
by Picard
Greetings UFP officers, Honored guests and enemies of the state.

I wish to inform you of a post I have made on [TNF] The New Federation about the now widely known Chris incident.
Greetings [TNF]

It is with regret that I make my first post on these forums about such a dark subject but I feel it must be dealt with before any other action is taken. A few days ago, one of your rear admiral joined UFP as a Lieutenant Commander. He has today, left UFP in what I believed to be in good terms before I was contacted by UFP's Security Department.

It would seem that Chris resignation from TNF was never genuine and his access was never taken away. Therefore lying and double clanning while being in TNF. I was shocked, it seemed hard to believe but the evidence was there. And as if it wasn't enough I had the disappointment to read another report in which he clearly tries to get a UFP officer to join [TNF] and it seems on behalf of your council. Here's a part of the log.
[22:15] Chris: come to my clan lol
[22:16] Chris: i cant even belive u even decided to goto UFP lol
[22:16] Warspite: well i always fancied it so thought id give it a try
[22:17] Warspite: what clan u got running?
[22:17] Chris: im not running it im in the council tho
[22:17] Chris:
[22:17] Chris: hmm
[22:17] Warspite: lol i recognise your coding
[22:17] Chris: i wasnt intentionally giving u the roster then
[22:17] Chris: just the pge i was on at hte time lol
[22:18] Chris: ;)
[22:18] Warspite: lol. site looks good mate
[22:18] Chris: Yup built by me lol
[22:18] Chris: thnx
[22:18] Warspite: tomfollet i recognise that name and eagle eyes
[22:18] Chris: and yuri
[22:18] Chris: hald of em are ex ufp members lol
[22:19] Warspite: lol
[22:19] Chris: u shud join m8 sod ufp 2 much hassle lol
[22:20] Warspite: lol why u join ufp?
[22:20] Chris: eh?
[22:20] Chris: me? ufp? lmao
[22:20] Chris: dont make me laugh
[22:20] Chris: lol
[22:21] Warspite: I thought u returned
[22:21] Chris: oh u mean that other Chris on there forums
[22:21] Chris: dat aint me lol
[22:21] Warspite: lol i thought it was
[22:21] Chris: nah wouldnt go back there to save my life lol
[22:21] Chris: Comon bud ill get ya a spot
[22:21] Chris: we need a Couple of CO's aswell :p
[22:22] Warspite: let me have a think bout it dude
[22:22] Chris: :'(
[22:23] Warspite: i don't know if i got the time for a co position at the moment can i let u know by tomorrow?
[22:23] Chris: :(
[22:27] Chris: ive been autherised to offer you Commander now.
[22:29] Warspite: I'll let u know tomorrow dude
[22:29] Chris: the offer wont b around then, So sorry to hear that lol
[22:30] Warspite: thats nps mate atleast i know where ur fleet is if i do decide to join ;)
I particularly find the "I have been authorized to offer you a rank of Commander" part troubling. And the last subject is your sudden stunning web site similarities to ours. Your sudden use of the same color scheme, transparency that UFP uses adds only to the insult. Chris was in UFP before and had access to our current web site. Chris has quite an history in UFP. He was kicked out twice of UFP and the last time he was banished. I lifted the ban when he had shown interest to return a mistake I am not about to make twice.

UFP is fully prepared to escalate the matter we are making preparations to go to yellow alert. Our fleet has certain principles, principles we very much dislike to see laughed at so openly. Chris is a member of your admiralty and therefore represents your fleet. He has insulted the United Federation of Planets and we are fully prepared to defend our honor if he is not dealt with accordingly.

I would advise you to not underestimate UFP. We have been quiet as of lately but rest assured that if we are to see action, our officers will quickly fall in line to bring another victory to the long list of UFP's war efforts. It is not a threat but merely a clue to show you how far we are ready to go if this matter is not dealt with seriously.

Thank you.

Re: Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:40 pm
by Kelbie
What a bastard...sorry to say but that is well out of order.

Re: Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:43 pm
by Carbonizer
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Pathetic.

Re: Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:44 pm
by TParis

Re: Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:40 pm
by Silverado
I love "Incidents" lol

Re: Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:18 pm
by The Pirate of AE
IDIOTS AT 6 and 9 o'clock

(6 and 9 are in the firing range of old sail frigates)

Re: Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:47 pm
by delta
Things That I Saw That Looked Similar to [UFP]
  • Starfield Background
  • Forum Chatbox
  • Translucent Background
  • The "What we offer box" ie. "Increased enjoyment of online gaming"
  • 3 Fleets (We used to have three fleets)
  • Admirals Council
  • Similar Signatures, definitely inspired by UFP.
You say the word Sir, we'll give them a run for their money. They will pay.. with their lives

Re: Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:52 am
by Costello
Yes well Delta, soon that will all be replaced by a vastly superior design.

Re: Incident with The New Federation

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:09 pm
by delta
Costello wrote:Yes well Delta, soon that will all be replaced by a vastly superior design.
I cannot wait to see it! Hurry up! :P