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{The New Federation} Official Statement And Apology

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:40 pm
by {TNF}Yuri
Good evening,

I am Fleet Admiral Yuri of {The New Federation}, many will remember me as 6of7.

Over the last couple of days a nasty scenario has brewed and left ill feelings on all sides. There are two occurrences I will address and there are some misunderstandings I wish to bring to light for the beneficial understanding of [UFP] and her members.

Firstly, the charge of multi-clanning and/or treason.

Chris had been involved with TNF and was very excited about the group as we were in the setup and planning phase just several days away from an anticipated debut into a new video game. Chris became an essential part of the group when he became the head of our web team and running our ST game division for games other than STO. He was appointed a council spot because he had a lot of past experience in setting up and managing clans. After a few days Chris lost a lot of momentum with us because the council was behind getting some legislation written up for the website so he felt that {TNF} was going nowhere and decided to go where a couple of his friends had apparently been nagging him to go. Chris, wanting to keep his word on the website project decided of his own volition he would finish our website and forum template and continue to host our TS3 so we'd be able to complete with the other groups with nice websites. During this time he did post an official leave post on the matter and all access other than "registered user" was in fact removed from his account. Though he still had overhead web access so he could get the site working. Distraught at losing someone who was helping us out majorly where we didn't have a lot of experience we were motivated to get the problems fix and ask him to come back and so he did and was reinstated.

It is with my personal apologies that I must clarify we did not know he came to [UFP] or that he had actively gotten back into a group already. From what I can tell though his leaving of [UFP] caused quite a dodgy mess which turned into a witch hunt, understandably.

So again on behalf of {The New Federation} and those of which were upset by this I apologize for how things were handled.

The second matter we have to address was that of attempted poaching from [UFP] then denial of returning to [UFP] in an attempt to not take heat. The fact that anything occurred will not be denied, though this wasn't a clan endorsed poaching attempt. From what is understand he simply wanted his friend to play with him in the same group. This was handled in a horrible manner and should not have happened.

As response to what happened Chris has been suspended from {The New Federation} council with an official reprimand the possibility of further action being discussed so as to make amends.

Again I am truly sorry that these problems were caused. We have no wish for hostilities or any ill will.


Fleet Admiral Yuri
{The New Federation}, Commanding

Re: {The New Federation} Official Statement And Apology

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:10 pm
by Digi
6of7, I've always thought of you to be a truthful, respectful, and above everything else... smart. Thank you for taking the time to explain the situation, and I'm sure that all of this will be resolved peacefully. I don't know why Chris thought he could get away with this, but stupid is as stupid does.

Re: {The New Federation} Official Statement And Apology

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:17 pm
by Kelbie
Chris is more than welcome to play with Warspite anytime, just because we both in differen clans, does not mean he can't stop playing with him at all. I am sure we can come to arrangement to set up a tournament game between us someday.

Re: {The New Federation} Official Statement And Apology

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:38 pm
by {TNF}Yuri
If we are able to re-balance our communities standings there is a much larger project in the works I will not mention publicly.

Re: {The New Federation} Official Statement And Apology

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:40 pm
by Ciaran
I see no reason why we can't secure good relations in the future

Re: {The New Federation} Official Statement And Apology

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:42 pm
by Kelbie
I too agree.