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Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:31 am
by Kelbie
Can someone explaing to me why i'm reduced in rank? I was giving the rank Commodore when i came back from retirement. Many thanks.

Here's proof. ... 5&start=10

Re: Fix

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:17 pm
by TParis
Your rank and access were restored by Fleet Admiral Picard. Since he is retired, he could not actually restore you're rank and even stated that in your return post. Council voted on the rank of Fleet Captain. I thought someone would have told you, but I'll make sure officers are notified in the future.

Re: Fix

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:25 pm
by Kieran
the first negative so far

Re: Fix

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:30 pm
by Kelbie
Ahh i see now. Understood.

Re: Fix

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:57 pm
by Thrawn
Perhaps these may be communications that can be dispatched by the the DOP.

Re: Fix

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:40 am
by delta
Why? That seems totally unnecessary.

Here's why:

Random Council Member: "Hey Random DOP Officer, can you tell Officer X that his returning rank is Fleet Captain?"

Aforementioned Random DOP Officer: "Why Certainly Sir, right after I go make a sandwich and finish watching my show on Hulu. I'll get to it by tomorrow, maybe."

That Same Random Council Member: "Okay, cool :) "

Two Days later a post is made informing the returning officer of his rank reduction. This delay in the officer being informed will most likely cause more posts like this one.

Here's how it should be:

Random Council Member: "Welcome Back to [UFP] Officer X, the council has voted and your returning rank is Fleet Captain."

Returning Officer: Thank You Admiral, I must say it is nice to be back, and Engineering certainly has been doing an amazing job. At everything.

Re: Fix

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:55 am
by Kieran
Maybe securitys job could be that so we can confirm who it is

Re: Fix

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:49 am
by Kelbie
Things do happen around here :P

Re: Fix

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:56 am
by Ciaran
Whoever starts the poll should be the one to inform said officer when voting is completed. Simple