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Gday from SoJ

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:05 am
by SoJ^Mariner
Gday all at UFP from SoJ,

Recently received a message informing me that you are planning on hosting some war-games, we at SoJ are very interested, and feel it a great chance to improve relations and activity between our great clans.

Looking forward to hearing back from you guys.

USS Mariner
Head of Diplomacy

Re: Gday from SoJ

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:43 am
by Shroombuck
Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Commander wienergobbler, the recently appointed new Executive Officer of the Diplomatic Corps and as such Ambassador-at-Large for the United Federation of Planets.

We are delighted to see that Soldiers of Justice has taken interested in a friendly competitive match with us. I am positive that the organisation of this match on our side will make contact with you as soon as possible in order to set this up. One might indeed suspect that this will go through the Diplomatic Corps, but direct contact with the organisation of this event is in our opinion far quicker and more informative.

Re: Gday from SoJ

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:33 am
by TParis
Greetings Ambassador Mariner,

Yes, we are organizing a war scenario in various Star Trek games. Our Ambassador Extraordinary, Fleet Captain Kelbie, is heading up the effort. He will be along shortly to get your contact information and discuss the level of involvement you'd like to enjoy.

Thank you for visiting us, we've felt a bit lonely out here in our corner of the quadrant as of late.

Very Respectfully,
Fleet Admiral TParis

Re: Gday from SoJ

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:30 pm
by Kelbie
I've sent him a PM.