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Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:00 pm
by Phoenix
To my esteemed friends:

The following is a screenshot that reveals the real treatment of foreign diplomats by Starfleet ( This fleet has proven itself to be treating not only their officers poorly, but treating foreign diplomats with disrespect. Some of you know me as Commander Kira Phoenix of Starfleet, Ambassador Extraordinaire. After the mass resignations from several key officers of starfleet, I received accusations of Fleet Admiral Nelson's misconduct in the fleet. Rather than taking it straight to security, I investigated these accusations to obtain real hard evidence so that it could be presented to security on a stable foundation because I am the sort of person who says if all you have is an accusation with no evidence, then you're full of it. I gave Nelson the benefit of the doubt, despite the fact that I was hearing some pretty bad things about him, but finding no hard evidence against him. Finding nothing, I stopped my investigation and reported nothing to security because there was nothing to report. Security found out I was doing this, and charged me with treason and sedition. Apparently, finding out if your leaders are violating the code of conduct is grounds for the brig, and to be called a traitor. Rather than sit through an idiotic court-martial, I resigned. Immediately after resigning, I joined Federation Empires, under the command of President Morianna. He allowed me to keep my rank as Commander seeing my experience in the field of diplomacy was impressive and he appointed me as Executive Officer of Diplomacy. From there, relations with Starfleet were strained to the point of forcing us to enact a diplomatic quarantine on them. 2 months later, I reevaluated this and decided maybe it was time to make amends. I made a second account on Starfleet forums so that I could post thinking my first account was still in the brig. I made the move for peaceful relations. Their response was a slap to the face and knife in the back. For this reason, we will no longer have any dealings with Starfleet nor acknowledge their existence, and quite frankly, with their blatant treatment of me, I highly encourage others to do the same. They are not the same starfleet I joined, and the starfleet I know and loved would NEVER treat ANYONE like such.

I hope that this link helps open the eyes of everyone here to see just how Starfleet acts. This is morally wrong with what they are doing. I will not stop anyone from maintaining contact with this fleet, but I would seriously reevaluate any treaties with them.

Most Sincerely,

Rear Admiral Kira Phoenix,
Chief Executive Officer, Imperial Diplomatic Corps.

Re: Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:24 am
by Shroombuck
Sustainability in the Star Trek community isn't about the quick fix or the cheap solution. Generally it means making a commitment and trying to honour it. Any worthwhile fleet encounters difficulties at some point. A good fleet is not a problem-free fleet. In point of fact, the process of overcoming adversity often produces some of the most rewarding experiences one will ever have. One needs to be challenged to 'test the mettle' as it were. Declaring war at the first sign of trouble or small inkling of distress may be the easy thing to do, but it doesn't help the self-concept. Most troubles can be overcome if one is willing to work through them. Based on your side of the story I am inclined to think that you hope for an easy fix and an easy help; that simple change that will erase your problem in a stroke. I will tell you that few things work this way. Instead, to solve your problem with StarFleet it requires making a hundred small steps go right; one after the other, no slipups, no goofs, everyone of your fleet pitching in.

Indeed you might be wondering why I said what I said, but the truth is that we hold a Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) with StarFleet whilst we hold a Non-Aggression Pact (NAP) with your fleet. Thus policy dictates that we honour these diplomatic agreements and therefore we will most likely refrain from taking up arms and joining the dispute that has fallen upon you. Naturally this is for our gracious Council of Admirals to decide, but I fear for you that your cry is merely a forlorn hope.

Re: Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:09 am
by Carbonizer
They are just small bits of text outlining that one clan has more protection than another, big whoop. It should be down to what happens between us, [FE] and [SF]. Not a pact of any sort. I will gladly be branded a traitor to [UFP] before I help someone who would be willing to stab the back of the fleet I am in. If this is true of course. [FE] would have my backing even if [UFP] went to war with them. Despite my reservations of course:

So far its a one sided story so be careful Kira. They may end up spreading that you have made this up and what-not seeing as you have no evidence and have gone to clans and stuff to tell people to avoid [SF]. Fair enough it may be true but when you look at it from another point of view, its a different matter. Which is why I have my reservations about this, of course. We dont know if its true but I feel that if the truth does come out, the outcome would most likely be something no party would like.

Re: Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:44 am
by Alexraptor
I am Admiral Alexraptor, currently the Acting Fleet Admiral of UFP and also the one in charge of UFP Foreign Affairs.

Respectfully Rear Admiral Kira Phoenix, UFP is well aware of the bad blood that exists between [SF] and [FE] and to us this is appears as nothing more than an attempt to sour diplomatic relations between [UFP] and [SF]
We have held a Mutual Protection Pact with [SF] for many years now, and it will take more than the words of a disgruntled former member to make us end such a treaty.

In fact, from what i see, [FE] are the aggressors here.
Never in my years in this community have I seen any respectable fleet try to dictate what another fleet may or may not do on their own forums, nor would any respectable fleet ever encourage flaming and abusing members of another fleet.

Good day to you sir.

Re: Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:57 am
by Picard
While I understand your frustration and feeling of betrayal, FE's response including your own was poorly handled. If FE truly wanted to restore diplomatic relations they should not had sent you because of the obvious conflict of interest. I am a former member of Starfleet and have been following it's "evolution" for the past 10 years.

I believe you are telling to truth as to what your intentions were, without having even heard Starfleet's side I can guess from my experience that they believed you were inciting coercion within the fleet and trying to turn them against it's leader, it is true that sometimes the line is very thin. It is not my place to say if you deserved it or not but I can comment on what I have seen. The screenshot you present displays a lack in judgment from the part of FE. President Moriana's instead of acknowledging his mistake by sending you as a diplomat to a fleet who obviously has strong feelings about you choose to escalate, this proves his lack of experience in the diplomatic arena. If it truly were FE's goal to reset relations they would not had sent the cause of the problem but rather a neutral diplomat.

On a personal note Starfleet was my first clan and even after 10 years it still has a place in a my heart but I must say that I am very sadden by the choices they made and where it led them. SF had over the years extraordinary officers that were wasted because of the poor judgment of some.

Admiral Alexraptor is quite right in pointing out that President Moriana attempt at influencing how SF deals with it's former members is unacceptable. He introduced an unstable element in a delicate situation and he is solely to blame for Starfleet's response.

Re: Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:15 pm
by Phoenix
I thank you for your responses, and I understand what you're saying. I'm not trying to manipulate anyone. However, I simply wanted to make sure that any parties involved with Starfleet or Federation Empires are fully aware of what's going on. We do not expect action on anyone's part. If you chose to take action for or against either of us, good on you. If you chose not to act, again, that's on you. But our goal is simply education. You're right, you only have one side of the story. So I highly encourage you to contact other members of Starfleet to get their side. From their you can pick out the facts from fiction and determine for yourselves what is correct and what is not.

I do look forward to continued relations with UFP, and actually, I will be contacting UFP soon to see what we can do for our two fleets.

Best Wishes,

Rear Admiral Kira Phoenix
High Chancellor, Imperial Diplomatic Corps

Re: Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:42 am
by [SF]GodofDeath-1
As head of diplomacy for Starfleet, I request this thread locked.

Fleet Admrial Alexraptor, I will be in contact with you shortly and once again the council has given myself guidance. Any questions you might have, please send them my way immediately and I will answer them asap.

~[SF] GodofDeath-1
Captain, Diplomacy CO

Re: Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:51 am
by Alexraptor
[SF]GodofDeath-1 wrote:As head of diplomacy for Starfleet, I request this thread locked.

Fleet Admrial Alexraptor, I will be in contact with you shortly and once again the council has given myself guidance. Any questions you might have, please send them my way immediately and I will answer them asap.

~[SF] GodofDeath-1
Captain, Diplomacy CO
Granted. and its only "Acting" Fleet Admiral ;)

I would like to add though that Federation Empires is welcome to make proper diplomatic contact in the proper forum. Our mutual protection pact with Starfleet does not forbid contact with their enemies. However, if Federation Empires wish to accuse an ally of ours of misconduct, they had better be sure that their hands are clean and dry. We take our alliances seriously.

Re: Unacceptable Actions by Starfleet

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:15 pm
by TParis
Greetings Rear Admiral Kira Pheonix,

As the two of us have history and I consider it friendly, I will prempt this with saying that the following is directed at you and Federation Empires professionally, and not personally. I hope you are able to distinguish the two. With that explained, I will clarify the United Federation of Planet's position in this matter. Please excuse me for being harsh as this has happened during the holidays and I am rather perturbed.

Your evidence of misconduct by Starfleet is, in our opinion, clear evidence of them exercising their soverignty. Whether or not a clan can punish an officer from another clan is not the issue as we see it, nor is the issue about whether one clan can punish a former officer if he resigned before accepting charges. The issue here at it's core is whether one privately owned and funded organization has the legal right to restrict access to a person or persons that they chose not to allow access to. As a freedom loving American, I and this fleet stand by Starfleet's decision to ban your accounts.

Further, we also support their decision to ignore any communique from Federation Empires by you as is their soverign right. Is it morally or ethically right? I'm not the decision maker. I leave that to the Fleet Admirals of yours and Starfleet's clan. What we do feel is unethical is that Federation Empires would come to our space and claim misconduct on one of the United Federation of Planet's allys and then provide such bleak support for the accusation.

There is one area I will comment on that is none of my business but deserving of some attention nonetheless. The way your Fleet Admiral has conducted himself on Starfleet forums has me on the floor in a fit of laughter. It is clear he has taken diplomacy lessons from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It is the exact same diplomacy he used when one of our members was retracted from your forums for inappropriate representation of our fleet. Our position on it is the same position it is now, we will not tolerate it. Your Fleet Admiral has some crazy notion that he can demand things of other Fleets. Had it happened to us, we would be at war. He should count himself lucky that Starfleet has limitless patience and tolerance. He has clearly received more respectable treatment from them than many other clans would offer. I suggest he takes their fair treatment as a testiment of their good will rather than feeling defensive. Starfleet has always had a talent for holding their tounges and remaining utmost professional in their dealings with others. If your Fleet Admiral were smart, he would agree to disagree, send a new diplomat, and let these things settle and pass.

If you wish to make an accusation against an officer of this clan or make us aware of misconduct by an allied fleet or their officers, you may do so in private message or email to our Chief of Foreign Affairs and Fleet Executive Officer, Admiral Alexraptor. When you do so, keep in mind that we are not interested in such technicalities of "Rather than sit through an idiotic court-martial, I resigned". We support Starfleets right to issue a court, charge, and punishment in absentia. We have done similar actions in the past. We give no rights to our officers to resign to avoid responsibility. They may resign but, as with any country, if they enter our borders they will be subject to their punishment; there is no diplomatic immunity for them.

I am curious to see what their announcement is. I am also curious what your Fleet Admiral knows of their website being hacked and how he aquired the information. I find these things fasinating, to be honest. As you know, our own website was hacked several months ago by a disgruntled UFP member. We were able to secure our website better after the hacker was decent enough to do little damage and explain where the hole was. I'm glad it was him that found it instead of someone intent on doing more damage.

In closing, I will echo the sentiments of Admiral Alexraptor and Fleet Admiral Picard ret. While you are in our space, we set the rules. You will contact us in the proper forum using proper english spelling and grammar and with the utmost respect of our Fleet, our Soverignty, and our allies. I do not appreciate you bringing this to our space as we have left Federation Empires largly alone. We have agreed with Federation Empires that we will remain non aggressive and friendly for the sake of keeping the peace, but we have a poor history. You have felt my apprehension to conduct diplomacy with your Fleet already in your attempts to strengthen our relations. I will not be so polite the next time this happens without significant and overwhelming evidence of undisputable misconduct by Starfleet.

Very Respectfully,
Fleet Admiral TParis
Commanding Officer
United Federation of Planets