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Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:09 am
by bathory
Ten years ago the game Star Trek Bridge Commander was formed, and many of great clans have came and left. Most have perished. During the begining stages by force I was drawn as a new leader of a new clan to defend myself against great odds. Through the years I have went on from being the underdog of the BC community to becoming the KING. We as a clan have always played the game for one thing the only thing it was made for. War, Fighting and Dominating. It is not only the very nature of the game it is the very nature of men to fight to win. I have had hundreds serve with me. Most have gone on now , many have things in life of went to other games because of the lack of activity in STBC. For years we have done massive wars to stimulate activty and have had some sucess in doing so. But my brothers if ever there was a time for STBC the time is now.

It is the ten year anniversary and for those who have stood by awaiting for the days of massive players online. My fellow former and/or current brothers that time is now. We have war at our doors. Clans that have not been very active in STBC are now here to challenge us. I'm calling on all men regardless of your role, regardless of the level of activity the moment we have prayed for waited for is HERE. I assure you this will be the biggest event in STBC history in a 3 years period and may become one of the most historical battles since Submit or Die. It is our duty after all these years of wanting this, after all the years of us bragging how great we are to live up to what we are. Come brothers. part time, full time or anytime put on those IOC tags . Fight by my side once more. Truly this could be the last time IN STBC history to see this level of activity and the last time to show once more that we are KINGS.

SF, UFP, LA and SOJ are forming a massive coilition . For the last week fleets the size of 30 plus have been in game. We will answer the call! We will live up to our name! We shall show again who the masters of STBC are! I am so convinced of this that all IOC resources and able men will dedicate any time they can to STBC to fight this great battle! I'm prepaired to answer the call. I ask you my brothers do the same!

Imperial Founder
Imperial Order Clan

Hello, UFP this was our statement from our Fuhrer a few days ago. You declared war on us, and we've been jumping online in STBC for 3 days, when will you answer your call? When will your allies SF answer the call? You probably think I'm just coming on to troll but the truth is that the ONLY reason why STBC is not dead yet is because of our constant dominance and wars on inferior clans. If you seriously think otherwise I encourage you to defend the honour of your clan on the Galactic field. If not then your declaration of war was nothing but a cry for attention. WE ARE THE GALACTIC SUPERPOWER AND IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING TO PROTEST ABOUT IT COME PROVE IT ONLINE IN STBC WE WILL BE WAITING.

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:25 am
SO far they came on for 2 days and have not been seen yet. ALL who are here know me. IT is most wise for your clan to resume back to other games and leave STBC to the true master who has waged and defeated every clan in STBC! Long LIve The Order

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:26 am
by ~=TG=~Kruge=VL
I agee my brother,Guys either honor your declaration of war or just end it if your members aren't going to show up ok UFP.Also i'm unaware of what has in the past weeks between you,SF, and the clan i'm in as i was on leave for personal reasons plus work.I've been checking stbc regularly & i hardly see anybody on,So is this war a war on silence? because like i've said i've checked everyday about noon,afternoon then at night but no activity.Look i've been in & won alot of wars not just in startrek gaming but if any clan declares war then never shows what does that say about the clan or its leadership seriously get proactive damnit lol i'm bored & i'm back i want to game guys.Ok wish it wasn't under the pretense of war but still fun either way but as i told sf.No sf,ufp,ioc,anyone in ioc,sf,ufp servers will act immature,complain,throw childish insults, well you get the idea basically i'm saying keep it on a adult level of respect & honor.I'll address my fellow members who are teenagers and/or immature & advise them to keep their conduct clean & respectful but to kickass when able to.I'm trying to be as respectful as i can.Like i said activity as been your end has apparently not been good from the reports i was handed on ioc forums but i was informed of the battle afew days ago & it figures i stop checking stbc days before it but i heard it was a damn enjoyable battle i believe you guys & your ally had 11 members each ass hawkeye stated there was atleast 22 of you total & only 13 I.O.C so that's pretty damn impressive guys.But what the hell happened you've disappeared get that ass out of bed & meet me in stbc pleeease.

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:05 am
by Calamitous
Yeah... I've been on in the past several days and the only IOC member I've seen on was Azores. The last time you are were in-game was last week and even then you guys got your asses kicked. :lol:

So you know what I think? I think you guys are blowing nothing but words out of your asses. This whole "Assimilation or Termination" thing is nothing but a fking joke, not to mention your skills in-game suck, having to resort to Hybrids, Hutets and Excaliburs to get in kills.

And that's pretty much all I have to say about you guys.

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:04 am
by Carbonizer
I actually enjoyed that peice of propaganda. Your spelling and grammar leaves something to be desired though.

Defeated every clan ? Every.. clan ? Wow, I really find that hard to believe. Now, was that due to the fact you act like your mentally challenged and fly like a drunken monkey with constant l33t speak spam or ? Might just be a case of the thousand monkeys typing out the whole works of Shakespear. Am I missing something or am I hitting the nail on the head ;)


Thank you for stopping by but next time, think before you befowl our glorious forums 8-)

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:06 am
by -=IOC{Light}=-
I have no insults towards UFP. You all have gained my respect through the years I was in sf and played with yall. Just hoping to see you all in the battle field ;)

P.S I use the soverign and the Prometheus cause I like flying them lol. Not that skilled in small ships.

P.S.S Lawl I just noticed that somehow I posted this a hour before yours and I read yours already.

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:20 am
by Costello
IOCHAWKEYE wrote:SO far they came on for 2 days and have not been seen yet. ALL who are here know me. IT is most wise for your clan to resume back to other games and leave STBC to the true master who has waged and defeated every clan in STBC! Long LIve The Order
Hawkeye. Just to let you in on a little secret, the last time we met I thoroughly owned you and your cohort of lacklustre pilots. Who might I add, mainly used Godships because they just wish they could pilot a Sovereign or Prometheus like our fine officers.

Have patience Hawkeye, here at [UFP] we prioritise social lives, call us crazy. Like the finely-tuned war machine that [UFP] is - we will soon meet again, and this time my kill / death ratio will be even higher than the last time.

You might want to pass on the wisdom that dying more than you kill means you are a bad player, it doesn't matter who is top of the scoreboard. Usually that is the host, anyway - and the score can be manipulated with duels beforehand.

So this time around try not to kill nine times and die twenty-three times. It doesn't reflect well on your ability to play the game my friend.

Here's a sample courtesy of the Office of Propaganda.


Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:53 am
AGain i keep hearing why your not in game. I dont care why your not in game. I very aware that your not in game. Perhaps you should reconsider your war when its more feesable for your clan. LOL . As far as god ships. I didnt make STBC . And i do not prevent others from using any ship they wish that the game provides. Enemy or Firend fly what you will either way meet you will meet distruction. And your kill to death ratio excuse is also an old age pathetic attempt to cover up your losses. Trust me first it will be because your busy you cant fight . Then it will be cause we use god ships, then it will be well kill death ratio, then it will be who has top score. WHats next my friends because i didnt close my eyes you lost? lmao . The only rules sence you have DECLARED war is one clan will remain at the end of this in STBC. I assure you it will be IOC! And when it is IOC your boards will read all the excuses why your not in STBC anymore ; ).

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:58 am
by Carbonizer
Look Hawk, whatever you want to be called. We may not be ingame, we may supposedly "cover up" deaths.

But hell, I sure know we will never give in. Not to you, not to anyone. We are the [UFP] United Federation of Planets. Anyone and everyone who have stood against us have fallen, admirably but nonetheless they have fallen. We are a war machine and we will not lose !

Re: Hail from IOC

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:01 am
Carbonizer wrote:Look Hawk, whatever you want to be called. We may not be ingame, we may supposedly "cover up" deaths.

But hell, I sure know we will never give in. Not to you, not to anyone. We are the [UFP] United Federation of Planets. Anyone and everyone who have stood against us have fallen, admirably but nonetheless they have fallen. We are a war machine and we will not lose !
This is a war your clan declared! If it upsets you we answered the call perhaps speak with your leaders. ; ) As far as falling . I do you propose to be the war machine and declare wars if as you said you may not be in game?