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IceManHG BR# 237 BC KM 1.0 IOC BR#4

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:52 am
by IceManHG
Name: IceManHG
Game: Bridge Commander
Date: Feb 3rd, 2011


USS Columbia SF
USS Galaxy SF
USS Longeye SF
USS Enterprise SF
USS Garek SF


IOC Drako
IOC Zero
IOC Hawkeye
IOC Viper
IOC Cisco


Intrepid Scout

Outcome: Victory IOC could not match our kills without using Hybrids, Excals, Borg Diamonds and Borg Sphere's.

This a second battle that happened 15 min after my IOC BR#3. We where sitting around after the first battle when another IOC server poped up. It had limited slots so we made our own server with a higher slot count and waited for IOC to show up. 5 min later they arrived.

This time I assumed command as the highest ranking officer on the [SF] TS server. I began issuing attack orders. This time IOC brought some Borg ships to the fight. We did our best to counter this threat. The battle lasted a good 20 minutes as we kept on devastating the IOC ships. Our superior communications and concentration of firepower ensured that our targets where brought down quick, fast and in a hurry. IOC did not stand a chance.

During the middle of the battle I disconnected from the server and lost what I believe is 4-5 additional kills that are not on the scoreboard.

Outcome: Victory


Re: IceManHG BR# 237 BC KM 1.0 IOC BR#4

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:52 am
by Carbonizer
That is most excellent Iceman ;)