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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:12 pm
by Picard
Since you fail to present any kind of evidence and that we have a forum full of evidence that states otherwise, I reiterate my claim that your threats, and propaganda are empty. I find it rather sad that you would have to use google image for propaganda means.

You once again contradict yourself, you claim not to know or care about what happened before and then state that you are the victim. Since you seem to be so comfortable in your ignorance, I suggest you stay in it and stop posting all together.

Tell me Marc, you seem to be rather enjoying all this. I conclude that you are some kind of masochist, you obviously like pain since you ask for more and more. Naturally someone of your abilities and look is used to be insulted, and perhaps are you doing this to punish yourself? Pay back for that miserable look and intellect given to you by genetics.

We have already established from your facebook that you have social difficulties, desperately looking for that special friend. Don't punish yourself, or us because of your frustration, there may still yet be hope for you. You do not have to remain in the shadow of your own mediocrity, holding tight to the utopia that your dreams and hopes about IOC will one day be true.

I used google for something that will change your life, it all begins here, accept yourself for who you truly are and leave these forums in peace with yourself.

Good luck during your journey.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:27 pm
by -=IOC{zero}IG=-
If i have a Pain, its from laughing at your sorry butt, But the reason im still here, its because its funny as hell to watch you, Trying to Make yourself higher and all and hurts other with pathetic attemps and failures. i dont know where you take you belief of Any scocial Difficulties, You keep making bullshit up as you go, Thats the funniest part of it all. I could tell you why i putted the "True Friend" thing on my FB pages, But i don't think you'd understand one bit anyway, so its not worth my time

IOC is not my utopia, But there sure as Hell better than a Fleet of Low lives Like UFP.. OOPS did i said that outloud?lol

Im not clicking on yur links, who knows where you gonna try to hack again lol

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:18 pm
No war was ever won, on or of offline, by a single engagement. Our victories will culminate into an outstanding Fleet KDR statistic which will show a significant margin in [UFP]s favor. On the excellent chance that the margin is soo great that a panel rules that you cant possibly match our excellence, [UFP] will declare victory.

May i say that the margin isn't far off now. We have plenty of proof, records, first hand accounts to our victories and our honorable implementation of the RoE.

IOC spends so much time on our forums boasting, hating and indulging in the most obvious attempts at subterfuge that you hardly get any gaming done. Your immaturity, lack of skills and integrity are only trumped by the level of delusion.

How you can "destroy" anyone on the internet is truly your best kept secret. [UFP] doesn't indulge in your fantasy of destroying the community, clans etc. We are venerable champions of the community to fight back the extremists.

Your an embarrassment to the community and you dishonor yourselves by engaging in a war with a clan that has defeated you before. Not because your "the little engine that could" but because you haven't learned anything. You haven't even evolved into a better enemy.

Its almost embarrassing to fight you but we need a good turkey shoot like everyone else.

In the end your the whore of the community. You talk about our honor, wheres yours?

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:38 pm
by -=IOC{zero}IG=-
So you declare victory Only if your acheive Rules and goals that are only set by you? Is that how you won all of yoru other wars? Being the only Fleet that keeps track of something and once it reaches the limit You decided, you say "i win you lose nub"?

If your close to that margin, then im sure we past it way long ago :P BUt we don't keep track of those, We go by be the true meanign of the winning in a war, Complet destruction of the enemy

when you declare War, You fight it For as long as it takes, not wuss out by saying "oh, we play by our rules" Your basicly just like SF, making Your own dumb rules to bend the Meanign of War for how you like it. Fine, you just showed how you play, And when we gonna see you Say victory, Everyone will know thats its a mere Disguise for Saying "We surrender don't pwn us too hard"

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:50 pm
-=IOC{zero}IG=- wrote:So you declare victory Only if your acheive Rules and goals that are only set by you? Is that how you won all of yoru other wars? Being the only Fleet that keeps track of something and once it reaches the limit You decided, you say "i win you lose nub"?

So you counter what i said by ignoring key elements of a sentence. You do realize that this makes you look incredibly stupid.

If your close to that margin, then im sure we past it way long ago :P BUt we don't keep track of those, We go by be the true meanign of the winning in a war, Complet destruction of the enemy

How can you "past" a margin in [UFP]s favor? You also mention "complete destruction of the enemy" im wondering how you can archive that on a forum

when you declare War, You fight it For as long as it takes, not wuss out by saying "oh, we play by our rules" Your basicly just like SF, making Your own dumb rules to bend the Meanign of War for how you like it. Fine, you just showed how you play, And when we gonna see you Say victory, Everyone will know thats its a mere Disguise for Saying "We surrender don't pwn us too hard"

Your confusing online warfare with the real thing. When we do "declare victory" everyone will see the rift between your kill tally and ours. Everyone will also remember how little sense you make.
My responses are in green

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:54 pm
by Roji
TParis wrote:It just clicked. It just made sense to me why IOC has attracted so many members. By being the lowest scum of the community, the only place that accepts cheating and god ships, IOC has attracted anyone and everyone who has been banished from real honorable mature communities.
Well considering that the United States (not my country but the one I currently serve and live in) was formed by outcasts and rejects and the English and even my home country of the Netherlands laughed and said that "these pathetic and pitiful farmers do not deserve to lead a country of which only royalty should lead".

So essentially you called the United States scum in your statement. Perhaps you might want to rethink that?

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:57 pm
Roji wrote:
TParis wrote:It just clicked. It just made sense to me why IOC has attracted so many members. By being the lowest scum of the community, the only place that accepts cheating and god ships, IOC has attracted anyone and everyone who has been banished from real honorable mature communities.
Well considering that the United States (not my country but the one I currently serve and live in) was formed by outcasts and rejects and the English and even my home country of the Netherlands laughed and said that "these pathetic and pitiful farmers do not deserve to lead a country of which only royalty should lead".

So essentially you called the United States scum in your statement. Perhaps you might want to rethink that?
Could you take him (TParis) any more out of context? please!! i want to see how far it goes :lol:

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:11 am
by Church
Roji wrote:
TParis wrote:It just clicked. It just made sense to me why IOC has attracted so many members. By being the lowest scum of the community, the only place that accepts cheating and god ships, IOC has attracted anyone and everyone who has been banished from real honorable mature communities.
Well considering that the United States (not my country but the one I currently serve and live in) was formed by outcasts and rejects and the English and even my home country of the Netherlands laughed and said that "these pathetic and pitiful farmers do not deserve to lead a country of which only royalty should lead".

So essentially you called the United States scum in your statement. Perhaps you might want to rethink that?
Outcasts and rejects? Is there actually any historical evidence to back up your claims, or are you just spewing more bullshit? Perhaps not the most prominent in England migrated to the New World initially, but considering that it was largely the nobility who established southern colonies, they were hardly "outcasts and rejects."

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:57 am
by -=IOC{zero}IG=-
-=IOC{zero}IG=- wrote:So you declare victory Only if your acheive Rules and goals that are only set by you? Is that how you won all of yoru other wars? Being the only Fleet that keeps track of something and once it reaches the limit You decided, you say "i win you lose nub"?

So you counter what i said by ignoring key elements of a sentence. You do realize that this makes you look incredibly stupid.

I actually took your word and simplified them, Because you are working on terms based by you only, no one else said KDR margin stuff but yourself

If your close to that margin, then im sure we past it way long ago :P BUt we don't keep track of those, We go by be the true meanign of the winning in a war, Complet destruction of the enemy

How can you "past" a margin in [UFP]s favor? You also mention "complete destruction of the enemy" im wondering how you can archive that on a forum

Noticed SoJ hardly goes on BC anymore? Theres also many more clan or fleet we can mention that are either inactif, or Simply moved away because we pwned them to hard. That margin? i don't know im just guessing, since your the only one who setted that margin for yourself, and Most battle were won by IOC, its jsut a question of logic

when you declare War, You fight it For as long as it takes, not wuss out by saying "oh, we play by our rules" Your basicly just like SF, making Your own dumb rules to bend the Meanign of War for how you like it. Fine, you just showed how you play, And when we gonna see you Say victory, Everyone will know thats its a mere Disguise for Saying "We surrender don't pwn us too hard"

Your confusing online warfare with the real thing. When we do "declare victory" everyone will see the rift between your kill tally and ours. Everyone will also remember how little sense you make.

Again, Set only by your Standarts, Same thing goes,If Your gonna yelled victory, For us we just see Your Surrending and Whitdrawing.

And on top of that, What if, Just what if, You do have a higher KDR And you do reach that margin of yours, Wahts the point of declaring victory when were still there and kick your butts around? lmao

My responses are in green
Mine are red Noob

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:00 am
by Roji
church wrote:
Roji wrote:
TParis wrote:It just clicked. It just made sense to me why IOC has attracted so many members. By being the lowest scum of the community, the only place that accepts cheating and god ships, IOC has attracted anyone and everyone who has been banished from real honorable mature communities.
Well considering that the United States (not my country but the one I currently serve and live in) was formed by outcasts and rejects and the English and even my home country of the Netherlands laughed and said that "these pathetic and pitiful farmers do not deserve to lead a country of which only royalty should lead".

So essentially you called the United States scum in your statement. Perhaps you might want to rethink that?
Outcasts and rejects? Is there actually any historical evidence to back up your claims, or are you just spewing more bullshit? Perhaps not the most prominent in England migrated to the New World initially, but considering that it was largely the nobility who established southern colonies, they were hardly "outcasts and rejects."
Colonists were considered low as far as social classes go. Sure you had some Nobility to run things however when the American Revolution came around that nobility (for the most part) got overthrown and the British and it's supporters considered them outcasts, rejects and peasants not fit for running a country or being out of British rule.