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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:35 pm
by Picard
I suggest we ignore the child, he obviously has no idea what the rules of this community are for when they were established he was still being breastfed.

You are one persistent pest, had too much sugar today?

If you believe IOC is so skilled, why not organize a challenge, a duel between our best pilot and yours? Same ships, same rules, we'll see who comes out on top?

Your war effort is a joke, victory will be accomplished not by sending kids on foreign forums, but rather by having a higher kill/death ratio. We did not invent the term "god ship" it's been around since 1.1, tell me how old were you in 2002 when BC was released? could you even walk...

Who knows you might actually be the baby on that logo.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:11 pm
by -=IOC{zero}IG=-
So you do wanan fight this war with duels and stuff, You are in fact just lik SF, thanks for confirming that
um no, we wont play by your rules. You fight a war like a sissy does. Victory by KDR is AGAIN only something you came up with, We fight a war, until you Surrender and leave, Theres no alternative this this, is you declare yourself Victory, Everyoen else shall see how a bunch of Pussies you are, and everyoen will knwo its sjut a way for you to slickly get out of a sticky situation wich your getting your face pwned in. No worries, IOC saw it coming, Your not the first one who makes up Desperate plans like that :P

BTW you saved me some considerable time :P

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:14 pm
by Kieran
Typical IOC, Can't be bothered to do think of anyhing original. I hear you did a version of Battle Reports on your Forums.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:29 pm
by -=IOC{zero}IG=-
cry me a river for all i care :P

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:41 pm
by Picard
Let us review IOC main argument and my response.

You will defeat us by playing us, until we are destroyed. However by your own terms victory is not achieved by winning battles.
[UFP]Picard wrote:
You cannot destroy UFP and saying otherwise a thousand times doesn't make it true. I'll just explain to you why, not that you'll understand but someday when you get an education you might.

1. The UFP member core is made of adults, while it is true that they respond to your posts it is merely for their own amusement, they are as I am fascinated by the sheer lack brain power you display in your posts, in a sense we all study you like scientists would study a lab rat. No one is intimidated by your high school insults and therefore no one will ''leave'' UFP because of them.

2. UFP is one of the few if not the last remaining startrek multi-gaming fleet. This war is only in Bridge Commander and therefore in only one of our theatre of operation.

3. UFP is an immaterial entity, we exist on the web. As long as we are able to remain on the internet and that our members are interested in participating to the community, we will continue to exist and there is nothing you can do about this beside polluting our forums with your non-sense and even then we can still ban you when we are done with you, pretty much like you throw away a used condom after sex, not that it will ever happen to you.

I don't expect you to understand this, just as I don't expect a lab rat to be self-aware.
Victories are achieved by winning battles, whether it be in BC, SFC3 or any other star trek games. Without "gaming engagements" there would be no war. Our terms for a victory, and the terms of countless fleets before us are rather simple. We kill you more times than you kill us, we win, if we don't, we loose. It's better to establish that superiority by fighting fair fights, it's more enjoyable for everyone and that way we can find out which fleet is truly the best.

Now I have not yet understood how you ever plan on ever winning this war.... We have not invented these rules they've been around for a long long time as I have said before, you can try to ignore that little fact but those who read this topic and this one-way debate know who is right. Whenever we declare victory, no body but your pathetic fleet will challenge our victory, for it will be recognized by other fleets. Skills prevail in the gaming world, that's all there is to it.

It's common sense and has been this way for over 12 years. Now if you don't like that its your problem, you are the one making up rules not us, IOC plays the game differently. But we are a fleet proud of our heritage and we shall always be more about skills and gaming than pointless flaming sessions.

I have learned time a long time ago that arguing with a stupid person who is unable to think rationally is a pointless activity. Since your next reply will bring no new arguement but will rather be just another version of your usual replies I shall close this topic now and let the members of this community UFP and non UFP make their own conclusions.

Bottom line is that we have won before, your fleet admitted defeat and disbanded shortly after. They used the same arguments then that you use now, it didn't save them then and it won't save you now.