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Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:38 pm
by BobO369
Cartman wrote:Ur doctoring of posts is most pathetic. I shall remember that when u post on IOC's site. Meanwhile, u unholy wretches shall be put to rest in the graveyard of destroyed clans.
The same goes for you. Talk is cheap either put up or shut up.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:50 pm
by Carbonizer
Blah, blah, blah, blah. Empty threats are boring. Come back when you actually do kill us and have screenshots to prove it, not a prefixed scoreboard. :D

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:15 pm
by Picard
The unholy graveyard of destroyed clans? You mean the home of DD? because last time I checked DD is dead, and UFP is flourishing. Id say the odds are on our side.

Before you start destroying fleets and all those good things perhaps you should turn your attention to your shitty pre-made web site, or at least complete it properly. The scrolling text says ''Read me file will teach you how to edit this text''. Do you really have to suck at everything?

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:33 pm
by TParis
Cartman wrote:Ur doctoring of posts is most pathetic. I shall remember that when u post on IOC's site. Meanwhile, u unholy wretches shall be put to rest in the graveyard of destroyed clans.
Don't be pissed we got folks that know PHP.


UFP Officers, don't forget the code of conduct. While toying with our friends at IOC is perfectly acceptable, the level of language and insults has become close to the line.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:52 pm
by ~=TG=~Kruge=VL
TParis wrote:
delta wrote:The edits are however, quite humorous.
Edits is the wrong terminology. A more accurate description is software based amendment automation system. ie: I've scripted the forums to add that little bit to the end of all of Hawkeye's posts. No edit necessary.

Oh soo Tparis is acting like a child too?.Damn my bullshit meter is peaking at 9000 right now,Scripting shit here is basically admiting you can script in game lol keep it on the dl paris and only noobs script edit game or forums pretty much means someone doesn't want the others to know something someone knows or is saying in this case hawkeye.Question is what because you don't care about the others flaming & bullshit...shroombuck it i really don't have time to waste on immaturity & foolish children and worse adults who act just as immature instead of guideing young members in a positive way.I've also noticed out of tags scripting in bc recently i wonder who's the person/persons that i've seen using script hacks/mods in stbc & for the record i'm ~=TG=~Kruge=VL & i've asked picard to edit my name to say so.Now can you attempt to have a logical & intelligent conversation with me unlike the one you had with hawkeye not to mention other's...or are you just another person who flames & on occasion type's shit that makes sense?

P.S. I tryed to keep the insult's as respectful as i could as i knew some of what i had to say wasn't exactly respectful to Tparis and anyone this post may concern.I've also just grown tired of reading tons of bullshit everywhere and supprisingly here as well the last place i thought flaming,etc would be present.My STBC name is as i stated & my CA name is Kruge357.No i'm not a Techical IOC member i thought i'd help some of their members but then foundout about this before rejoining them as i did at one point assist them in combatarms and stbc mainly in duels i hate gangers they obviously suckballs why else claim ganging requires skills lol kinda like cartman when he tryed to kill me 2 days ago & some of his friends lol even though 10 of ya including sf was there attacking them.But hey i had the best kd/r so muwhahaha be happy i've decided to only fight when provoked.Other then that let the fun begin & by fun i mean skilled dueling or scripting,hacking,moding...nothing added to game but skills & ship xD see ya there homies.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:45 pm
by delta

Just go away please.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:52 pm
by Carbonizer
Wait..could you post that minus the bullcrap ? Oh wait thats right, you wouldn't be posting at all.

Ta Ta.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:49 am
by Cartman
delta wrote:tl;dr

Just go away please.
U pussies declared war we will not go away until ur unholy clan is in the graveyard of wretched epic phailage.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:57 am
by Kieran
Cartman we will not be in your Clan Graveyard. We will bury you and all of you IOC'ers in Shroombucks backgarden.

Re: Members of IOC caught cheating.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:17 am
by Carbonizer
Im sorry, I couldnt read passed your empty threats.