The UFP Constitution and Policy Links
1. Name |
The name of this organisation shall be:
The United Federation of Planets
2. Definitions |
Throughout this Constitution, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms shall have the meanings set against them:
Fleet Admiral– Acting or Permanent Commanding Officer of the United Federation of Planets.
Fleet Executive -- Acting or Permanent Executive Officer of the United Federation of Planets.
Council -- The Council of Admirals.
Chairmen -- The Chairmen of the Council of Admirals of the United Federation of Planets; the Council Chairmen.
Fleet -- The United Federation of Planets
motion -- A proposition made by a Councilmen on a matter which permits voting by the entire Council body.
Starfleet -- The gaming division of the Fleet.
3. Formation |
The fleet was created through unification of established fleets to form a new body designed to enhance and promote the Star Trek gaming experience. UFP’s command structure is modeled after the Chain of Command featured in Star Trek, with some alterations. To join us, you must accept all rules and regulations designed to provide an atmosphere of peace and prosperity.
UFP is a military democracy that is lead by a group of high-ranking and experienced officers collectively named 'The Admiral's Council'. This group votes on internal matters brought to its attention including but not limited to diplomatic relations proposed by the Diplomacy Department with other clans/fleets. This council is led by the current chairman: Fleet Admiral Exeter
4. Objectives |
The objectives of the Fleet shall be as follows:
- The advancement of the Star Trek gaming ethos.
- Enjoyment of online gaming.
- To co-operate with all bodies of similar aims.
- To unite the Star Trek community as much as possible.
5. Starfleet |
The Starfleet of the United Federation of Planets shall consist of all UFP officers as established by the Council of Admirals with the purpose of providing a stable gaming community. Starfleet Command shall consist of the commanding body of the Starfleet (SF CO/XO). They are the one responsible for promotions and awards ceremonies for the officers under their jurisdiction. Additional information on Starfleet procedures and policies are subject to change and are part of the Code of Conduct.
6. Fleet Admiral |
The leader of the Fleet Shall be the Fleet Admiral who is also appointed by this article as the Council Chairmen.
• The Fleet Admiral is the only officer that is empowered to do the following tasks without Council consent:
Change Fleet Condition Status, Declare War, Declare Peace, Approve Diplomatic Pact, Cancel Diplomatic Pact, Approve Retirement without conditions, Approve resigned officer readmittance, Make post in name of the United Federation of Planets, Order arrest of any officer.
• For all other tasks the Fleet Admiral must have Council consent for except where otherwise outlined in this Constitution or any formal policy approved by the Council.
• The Fleet Admiral can only be removed from office by a unanimous Council verdict, retirement/resignation, severe illness, or death.
• The Fleet Admiral as the Council Chairmen is given exclusive rights to appoint/unappoint Councillors with the approval of at least one member of the council. When a vote to remove the Fleet Admiral is in place he cannot remove or appoint any councillor.
No other punishment may be imposed on the Fleet Admiral except for removal from office.
7. The Executive Committee |
The Executive Committee of the Fleet shall consist of the following members:
• Fleet Admiral
• Fleet Executive
8. The Council of Admirals |
Subsection 1: The Council Charter
The Fleet shall be governed by the Council. The Council of the United Federation of planets shall consist of the following members:
- The Fleet Admiral (Seat 1)
- The Fleet Executive (Seat 2)
- 5 non-executive councillors (Seat 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)
The Council of the United Federation of Planets runs the Fleet in a democratic fashion. Chaired by the Fleet Admiral, each Council member is entitled to one vote on all matters placed before the Council. The minimum number of officers in the Council at any one time is 5, while the maximum is 6. This is solely at the Fleet Admiral's discretion. Orders or directives issued by the Council cannot be over-ruled except by another Council vote, even if the Fleet Admiral disagrees.
A Council vote is in effect while the following criteria are met:
1. Less than 7 days have passed since the motion was brought to vote.
2. Less than 3 Councilmen, or no greater than 50% of active Council body have all voted for or against the motion.
• If 7 days have passed and less than 50% of the active Council body have not all voted for or against a motion, the motion is automatically suspended.
• If a vote concludes in a tie, the Fleet Admiral's vote counts for two. If the Fleet Admiral did not vote, the motion is automatically suspended.
On the conclusion of voting, a Council motion is considered passed or resolute by the following unless otherwise stated in this constitution:
1. 4 Councillors all vote in favour of a motion.
2. Greater than 50% of the active Council over the 7 day voting period votes in favour of the motion.
An Order of Succession based on Council seating arrangement applies if any Councillor leaves the Fleet. In this arrangement, a lower seat Councillor is automatically moved up one seat if a Councillor of higher seating placement leaves the Fleet or the Council. The Council Chairmen (Fleet Admiral), however, may change the seating arrangement as he/she deems fit. This seating arrangement defines that officer's numerical rank in the Fleet, with the first seat being the commanding officer and so on.
9. Membership |
Membership may only be granted by the Admissions Team or a councillor.
Members must agree to abide by the constitution and code of conduct of the Fleet.
10. Hall of Fame |
A Hall of Fame position can be given to any former member of the Fleet by a unanimous Council vote proposed by any Council member or Hall of Fame member. This member must be unconditionally retired or resigned. A Hall of Fame member, once appointed, can never be removed from the list. The list shall always be displayed on the site when there are names on it.
11. Senators |
A Senator is a former member of the Council and a retired officer to which the Council has agreed to give a special recognition.
The senator powers shall consist of:
• Basic officer access to the fleet forums.
• A right to view and comment on posts and topics in the Council of Admiral’s forum.
• A Senator does not have the right to call a vote or propose a motion to the council.
12. Policy |
- The Council, The Executive Committee or the Fleet Admiral may make policy on any matter relating to the conduct of the affairs of the Fleet provided that policy is not inconsistent with or repugnant to this Constitution.
- Any motion by the Council proposing to make, alter or rescind policy shall require a written notice of motion in the Council forum, and such motion shall only be ratified by those means allowed by the Council.
- Any act by the Executive Committee to make, alter or rescind policy shall require a written notice of act in the Council forum in advance to the modification of the policy.
- Any act by which the Fleet Admiral is to make, alter or rescind policy shall require a written notice of act in the Council forum at least one day in advance to the modification of the policy.
- The Code of Conduct and Chain of Command shall be considered policy under this article.
- The policy of the Fleet shall form an Appendix to this Constitution and be made available with it.
13. Interpretation of the Constitution |
The Fleet Admiral shall be the sole authority for interpreting the meaning of any of the provisions contained in this Constitution or in any regulation of the Fleet policy made thereunder, unless this right is delegated to another by the Fleet Admiral, the Council, or act of Policy.
14. Amendments to the Constitution |
- The Council only may amend this Constitution.
- Any motion proposing to amend this Constitution shall require a written notice of motion on the Council forum and any such motion shall only be passed if the Council is unanimously in favor of it.
- The Constitution must only be edited by the Council Legislator, by default this is the Fleet Executive unless delegated to another by the Fleet Executive or by the Fleet Admiral.
15. Termination of Membership |
- The Fleet may cancel the membership of any member of the Fleet, should that member have acted in a manner contrary to the best interests of the Fleet.
- Any such cancellation shall be made by the Fleet Admiral, or in a ratified Council motion. The cancellation of membership shall be delivered in writing to the person concerned forthwith by the Fleet Admiral, or delegated representitive of the Council appointed by the Fleet Admiral in the event of a vote.
- Any person who has their membership cancelled shall have the right to appeal to the JAG for the reinstatement of their membership.
- The above rights do not pertain to any member in the Fleet who does not hold a commission and can be removed where policy permits.
Fleet Policy